Rosebuds on Lace Reverse Engineering
December 6, 2015
December 6, 2015

Rosebuds on Lace Reverse Engineering

Project info
Hooks & yarn
4.5 mm

Trying to reverse engineer a motif…

Rosebuds on Lace (Reverse Engineered)

Chain 6 and join.

Rnd 1: 12 sc in loop.

Rnd 2: ch 5 (works as 1st dc and ch 2), (dc in next sc, ch 2) around. Sl st into 3rd ch of starting ch.

Rnd 3: sl st into 1st chain space, ch 2, dc2tog in same space, (ch 3, dc3tog) around. Ch 3 and sl st into top of dc2tog.

Rnd 4: sl st into 1st chain space, ch 1, 3 sc in same space, (ch 2, 3 sc in next ch space, ch 4, 3 sc in next ch space) around, work tr into 1st sc.

Rnd 5: ch 2, (dc2tog, ch 3, dc3tog) in same space, (ch 3, dc3tog in next space, ch 3, work “dc3tog, ch 3, dc3tog” in next space) around. Ch 1 and dc into top of dc2tog. (Round has 6 “corner clusters” and 6 single “side clusters”.)

Rnd 6: ch 1, sc, (ch 6, sc in next ch space) around. Ch 6, sl st into 1st sc.

Rnd 7: sl st into 1st ch space, ch 3, (4 dc, ch 2, 5 dc) all in same space, (5 dc, ch 2, 5 dc) in next space and all remaining ch spaces. Sl st into 3rd ch of starting ch.

Rnd 8: ch 3, dc in back loop only of every stitch, (2 dc, ch 2, 2c) in all ch-2 spaces. Cut yarn.

Rnd 9: Attach yarn to 2-ch space. Ch 1, ^(sc, ch 3, sc) in same space, ch 5^, repeat from ^ to ^ around. Sl st into first sc.

Rnd 10: ch 2, (dc2tog, ch 3, dc3tog) in same space, ch 3, ^(dc3tog in next ch space, ch 3) twice, (dc3tog, ch 3, dc3tog) in next ch space, ch 3^, repeat from ^ to ^ around.

Rnd 11: Sl st into 1st ch-4 space. Ch 2 (dc2tog, ch 3, dc3tog) in same space, ^~(ch 3, dc3tog into next sc, ch 3, sc into top of next dc3tog)~ twice, ch 3, dc3tog into next sc, ch 3, skip next ch space, (dc3tog, ch 3, dc3tog) into next ch-3 space^, repeat from ^ to ^ 4 times, repeat from ~ to ~ once, ch 3, dc3tog into next sc, ch 3, sl st into top of dc2tog.

Rnd 12: ch 1, sc into same st, sc in every stitch and 3 sc in every ch space, sl st into 1st ch.

Rnd 13: sc in every sc around, except for center sc or 3-sc corners. In that center st, put 3sc.


Rnd 4: Ch 3 could be substituted for ch 4. I did ch-4 loops in the sample, but I had a hard time deciding which looked better.

Rnd 10: I chained 4 in between the dc3tog’s in my sample, but I recommend 3 in the instructions.

Rnd 13: I’m not sure about the corners… You could put (sc, ch 2, sc) in the center stitch instead of 3 sc.

viewed 11 times
December 6, 2015
December 6, 2015
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: December 6, 2015
  • Updated: December 7, 2015