Luck Actually
February 22, 2013
March 4, 2013

Luck Actually

Project info
Love Actually is all around by Sara J Bench
Neck / TorsoCowl
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Knit Picks Swish DK
Knit Picks
February 19, 2013
Knit Picks Swish DK
Knit Picks
February 19, 2013

Off the needles as of 3/4, and now I only have to wash it and get some pictures. I love this and can’t wait to make my next one!

3/3/13: I totally overestimated how much time I would have this weekend to actually work on my cowl. I thought I’d have done Friday night or Saturday, but the weekend is nearly over and I’m not finished. I am close, though. I’ve separated the front and back, and purled the back row, so I just need to weave in my ends from the cast on and that purl row, then Kitchener it up. I can’t wait to be able to wear it!

3/1/13: I am itching to get done with work and try to finish this up tonight, just in time for our St. Patrick’s Day Parade this weekend. I’m on at about the midpoint of the last row of shamrocks, so just those and the edging and bind-off to go! Before I continue knitting, though, I’m going to need to add new yarn, which I plan to do via Russian Join. I have maybe a row or two worth of yarn left for each color, so not quite enough to finish with just one skein each.

2/26/13: I need batteries for my camera! I did manage to get a couple shots, but I’ll take more tomorrow. On the second row of the motif I made one of shamrocks with four leaves, the one with the orange stitch marker in the photos. The photo with my dental floss lifeline visible shows how well the slip stitch works to achieve jogless rounds.

I’m a few rows into the second chart repeat, so over half way done! I’m already planning a second using a more vibrant color (I’d ordered some Green Tea Heather in the same yarn, although I’d decided to use the Dove Grey Heather. It was a tough choice -- I loved both.)

2/24/13: Miracle of miracles, my Knitpicks order was delivered early AM on 2/22. I’m usually last on the route, but my doorbell rang before 8. I was able to cast on (using size 7 tips) and get set up row and first edging row done before I had to start work! Fantastic! That is, until I dropped a couple stitches and messed it up beyond recovery that evening, on the second row of the chart. Boo! So I ripped out and planned to start over Saturday.

Saturday I cast on and did the set up when I decided to rip back and start again, with size 6 needles as I wasn’t liking the size 7. I love double-knitting, and I like the look with a tighter gauge. So now I’m using size 6 tips on a 24” cable.

(I already know I will use this pattern again (love it!) and when I do, I’ll use size 6 again, but I’ll probably buy a 16” fixed circular. Ooh, and I love the yarn I’m using, too. My first experience with KP Swish DK superwash -- love it.)

Not a lot of time to knit over the weekend, so I’m only to row 13, so first row of (in my case) shamrocks is complete. I love it so far, have to get pics and post them.

2/19/13: Yarn ordered, hope to be able to cast on by 2/22. I’m going to use greens and shamrocks in place of the hearts, to have ready in time for St. Patrick’s Day.

After reading some other Ravelers’ project pages, I’ll likely go down one or two needle sizes, or maybe three pattern repeats around instead of four. Decisions, decisions…

So excited to begin a new double-knit project :)

Charted out clover pattern using Tricksy Knitter.
(chart includes a single 4-leaf clover to mix in somewhere in place of one of the regular 3-leaf clovers.)

Favorite double-knit instructional videos:

viewed 211 times | helped 6 people
February 22, 2013
March 4, 2013
About this pattern
134 projects, in 320 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Merino
123 yards / 50 grams

35356 projects

stashed 22235 times

OneSweetShannon's star rating
  • Project created: February 20, 2013
  • Updated: March 9, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates