Magic Wands
October 9, 2017
December 29, 2017

Magic Wands

Project info
Wenlock by tincanknits
XS (adult)
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
577 yards = 2.2 skeins
Countess Ablaze The English Gentleman DK
39 yards in stash
0.05 skeins = 13.1 yards (12.0 meters), 5 grams
Countess Ablaze in Manchester, Greater Manchester
Countess Ablaze The English Gentleman DK
144 yards in stash
0.05 skeins = 13.1 yards (12.0 meters), 5 grams
Countess Ablaze in Manchester, Greater Manchester
Countess Ablaze The English Gentleman DK
100 yards in stash
0.05 skeins = 13.1 yards (12.0 meters), 5 grams
Countess Ablaze in Manchester, Greater Manchester
Countess Ablaze The English Gentleman DK
249 yards in stash
0.05 skeins = 13.1 yards (12.0 meters), 5 grams
Countess Ablaze in Manchester, Greater Manchester
Countess Ablaze The English Gentleman DK
197 yards in stash
2 skeins = 524.9 yards (480.0 meters), 200 grams
Countess Ablaze in Manchester, Greater Manchester

A sweater for Katie at last! I meant to make the 8-10 year old size, but miscounted my cast on by ten stitches and didn’t want to frog. She can grow into it, lol.


Joined second skein of Valentine a few rounds back the body from the underarm to the edge measures 10”. Only a few more left before the seed stitch border.


FInished body today and started the sleeves. I am trying to work them two at a time with the same needle I knit the body with and two balls of yarn (the remaining one from the body plus I cracked open a new one). Little by little, we’ll get this done.


I finished this while on winter break and am very pleased with it. Weighing my leftovers, I used about 2 full skeins of the Valentine yarn. I’m lightly blocking the collar to open the lace but don’t want to block too aggressively so that the neck is too wide. She looks so cute!

viewed 45 times
October 9, 2017
December 29, 2017
About this pattern
178 projects, in 624 queues
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SallyYoun's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Countess Ablaze
75% Bluefaced Leicester, 25% Masham
262 yards / 100 grams

459 projects

stashed 712 times

SallyYoun's star rating
  • Project created: October 10, 2017
  • Updated: January 5, 2018
  • Progress updates: 6 updates