Picture Day
August 28, 2015
October 12, 2015

Picture Day

Project info
Windswept by tincanknits
7-8 years
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Countess Ablaze Madame Smoosh Singles DK
431 yards in stash
2.2 skeins = 526.9 yards (481.8 meters), 220 grams

I’m casting on this sweater for my daughter using a pattern and yarn she chose herself (well, I might have narrowed it down for her). I love this yarn, and though I’m a little concerned about knitting a sweater for a six year old from a singles yarn, she’s old enough not to spill a bunch of stuff on it, and I’m the one who will end up washing it, so it should be well taken care of. I’m alternating skeins as I knit to blend in the dye variations a bit. I love the variegation. It might fights the lace panel border a little, but the colorway is perfect for my daughter and so we’ll stick with it.


Katie decided she would prefer a v-neck, so here we are. The most difficult thing for me to remember here is to maintain the garter edges (so not too difficult). Once I get close to the ten inches I need from the underarm before starting the bottom edge, I will see where I am in the lace pattern. I’d rather go a little longer and end after a full or half chart repeat than in the middle of the pattern.


Katie tried on the sweater and it looks great. I think with blocking it will be just right. I am about halfway through a lace chart repeat and so I’ll finish it up before starting the garter border. A little extra length might be offset by an aggressive blocking.


Switching over to dpns to work on the sleeves. I’ll keep my cable handy so we can try on for sleeve length before binding off.


Working the decreases on the second sleeve. I’m so happy that the kid I’m making this for lives with me and can try this on periodically, because sleeves look crazy long while they’re being knitted, but are just right when tried on. Shouldn’t be too long now.


Ready to block tomorrow morning. I used Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off for the sleeves and bottom of the pullover, ending each time with a knit row then binding off knit wise.


All blocked out. It fits really well with a bit of growing room. I think the yarn might have bled a teensy bit. Not a big deal because the yarn is a random rainbow, and also totally my fault because I soaked it for almost 8 hours because I got busy with appointments, etc. I will keep this in mind for when I use this yarn in the future.

viewed 78 times
August 28, 2015
October 12, 2015
About this pattern
383 projects, in 1216 queues
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About this yarn
by Countess Ablaze
100% Merino
240 yards / 100 grams

15 projects

stashed 18 times

SallyYoun's star rating
  • Project created: September 2, 2015
  • Updated: October 17, 2015
  • Progress updates: 8 updates