Swimmer's Kimono
April 1, 2008
May 1, 2008

Swimmer's Kimono

Project info
One-Piece Baby Kimono by Cristina Bernardi Shiffman
R+M's Li'l Swimmer
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Blue Sky Fibers Organic Cotton (Worsted)
1.5 skeins = 225.0 yards (205.7 meters), 150 grams

I made ribbon ties for this and i-cord at the inside hip. The baby is 3 months old this coming week and it fits her well now. If I made this again I would make it a tad longer, but I loved the yarn and I love the way it turned out. Cute!!

4/13: sewed up all the seams today. Still can’t decide on fastener.

4/9: I had a couple of days where I didn’t really knit more than a few rows on this, but I’m done with the knitting now. It’s blocking and then I’ll seam it and sew on fasteners. I can’t decide if I like the way ribbons look on it. I may do buttons or snaps.

4/4: I am loving this pattern. I had to rip back a bit last night while doing the arm increases, but didn’t lose much time. I knit for several hours yesterday and now am about halfway done with the left front section. I love how each step is easy to memorize. I can knit on the subway without referring to the book!

p.s. I’m doing the garter stitch version because I didn’t want to deal with curling. I like it, but I think seed stitch would have been nicer (though slower for me to knit).

4/2: I read that some people do machine wash this yarn, which is good to know. Now, though, I need to start the kimono again. I’ve knit the first 4 inches but I’m not getting gauge, so I guess I need to go down (yikes!) a needle size or two. I’m only getting 36 rows (instead of 40) and 15-16 stitches (instead of 20) over 4 inches.

4/1: So far, I like this yarn. But shouldn’t I stop giving people hand-wash only gifts???? Why can’t I find lovely, soft, organic, machine-washable yarn for newborns?

viewed 74 times
April 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Blue Sky Fibers
100% Cotton
150 yards / 100 grams

24382 projects

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  • Project created: March 31, 2008
  • Finished: August 23, 2008
  • Updated: November 20, 2018