Sunshine Sorello
April 22, 2013
May 5, 2013

Sunshine Sorello

Project info
Sorello by Georgie Nicolson
Needles & yarn
Bendigo Woollen Mills Luxury 8 ply

Lovely bright colour, nice bit of sunshine on these rainy days!

Knitting 5yrs for Krystel to start wearing next winter as a tunic/dress and after that as a vest length.

24/4/13 - have done bodice and sleeves, a few inches down the body and have put this aside for a little bit while I complete a couple of other time framed projects

4/5/13 - Been back working on this for a few days and now complete. Did 7yrs length because I like it to initially fit more like a tunic over leggings. Could have finished it using only one ball of BWM if I had done the 5yrs length. Did a slightly longer back lace section too with 3repeats of the 8row pattern + 2more rows so that the hem ribbing finishes with row8 = 9.5cm from end of babyrib to start of hem

Please excuse the bad preblocked photos

viewed 38 times
April 22, 2013
May 5, 2013
About this pattern
from tiKKi
276 projects, in 229 queues
SteppingInWater's overall rating
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About this yarn
by Bendigo Woollen Mills
100% Wool
437 yards / 200 grams

10511 projects

stashed 4495 times

SteppingInWater's star rating
  • Originally queued: October 6, 2012
  • Project created: April 26, 2013
  • Updated: May 4, 2013
  • Progress updates: 4 updates