122. Blue Fjord Cobblestone
August 28, 2018
November 11, 2018

122. Blue Fjord Cobblestone

Project info
Cobblestone by Jared Flood
10 years
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
17 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch in the round with 5,0 mm needles
Ístex Léttlopi
328 yards in stash
6 skeins = 656.2 yards (600.0 meters), 300 grams


Body length 38 cm.
Body circumference 70 cm.

CO 142 sts with 4,5 mm needles.
Purl 1º rnd.
4 cm (7 ridges) in garter stitch.

With 5,0 mm needles work 34 cm (75 rnds) in stockinette stitch. 10 sts for ridged side panels (8 sts next time).


Sleeve length 45 cm.
Cuff circumference 28 cm.
Upper arm circumference …

CO 36 sts with 4,5 mm needles.
Purl 1º rnd.
4 cm (7 ridges) in garter stitch.

With 5,0 mm needles work 75 rnds in stockinette stitch:
2 rnds
increase rnd (k2, M1L, knit, M1R, k2) + 12 rnds 5 times
increase rnd
7 rnds (48 sts).


Yoke depth 17,5 cm (30 ridges) front - 20 cm (35 ridges) back.

Work in garter stitch with 4,5 mm needles.

1st rnd: purl 206 sts (31 sts back, 40 sleeve, PM, 63 front, PM, 40 sleeve, 31 body).
2nd rnd: knit.
3rd rnd: purl.
4th rnd/decrease rnd: ✩ k6, k2tog; repeate from ✩, k4, k2tog (180 sts).
5th-39th rnds: garter stitch.
40th rnd: short rows +9 sts after markers.
41st rnd: purl.
42nd rnd/decrease rnd: ✩ k4, k2tog; repeate from ✩ (150 sts).
43rd: purl.
44th: short rows +6 sts after markers.
45th: purl.
46th rnd/decrease rnd: ✩ k7, k2tog; repeate from ✩, k3 (134 sts).
47th: purl.
48th: short rows +3 sts after markers.
49th: purl.
50th rnd/decrease rnd: ✩ k4, k2tog; repeate from ✩, k3 (112 sts).
51st: purl.
52th: short rows after markers.
53th: purl.
54th rnd/decrease rnd: ✩ k5, k2tog; repeate from ✩ (96 sts).
55th: purl.
56th: knit.
57th: purl.
58th rnd/decrease rnd: ✩ k4, k2tog ✩ (80 sts).
59th-…: garter stitch.

Elisabeth Zimmerman’s sewn bind off.

viewed 4 times
August 28, 2018
November 11, 2018
About this pattern
3624 projects, in 3662 queues
Svalda's overall rating
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About this yarn
by Ístex
100% Icelandic
109 yards / 50 grams

56742 projects

stashed 53897 times

Svalda's star rating
Svalda's adjectives for this yarn
  1. warm
  2. waterproof
  3. windproof
  • Project created: August 22, 2018
  • Updated: November 11, 2018
  • Progress updates: 4 updates