Spicy Sugar Frost Socks (Smiler #2)
April 5, 2018
April 16, 2018

Spicy Sugar Frost Socks (Smiler #2)

Project info
My son Smiler
Very very custom!
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Garnstudio DROPS Fabel
Garnstudio DROPS Fabel

Still figuring out a pattern which fits Smiler’s feet, and continuing using Fabel as it’s cheap, bright, and washes reasonably well. Bought a load of different colours in what seems to be a fairly regular annual Drops sale (through March) at Wool Warehouse, three balls per colourway, and will be using doubled. Intentionally not matching the two strands, going for more of a hotchpotch look.

Lessons from Last Time

  • Pointy feet, so anatomical toe worth looking at, especially as socks are already for specific feet due to extra over-splint section.
  • Smaller needles if it’s a mixed stitch pattern, as otherwise my gauge is too loose and socks end up shapeless. Try using 3.5mm.
  • Left sock - less increases needed than I did - they’re a bit saggy by the end of the day. Increase by 4 less stitches after the ankle, so 8st inc instead of 12.
  • Left sock - less leg rounds - try 36 instead of 40.
  • Right (splint) sock - less st increased, but not by much - try 16st inc instead of 20.
  • Right sock - start ribbing earlier - try 40 leg rounds then 24 ribbed rnds instead of 48 leg rnds and 16/18 ribbed.

Pattern for 4ply doubled, version 2 (with changes for version 3 incorporated in bold) :

  • Cast on 8 stitches per needle, inc in usual rhythm to 44 on knitpro zing circs 3.5mm.
  • Knit onto dpns. Switch yarn for right sock to Ruby Red (Fabel 113) doubled for 3 rnds to mark right/splint sock, before switching back to Tex Mex (Fabel 153) for three/five even rnds before starting pattern.
  • Knit in pattern for 40rnds before 1st increase, then use lifted increases to inc by 2 every other end for 26 rnds, 13 st per gusset plus an even rnd.
  • Fleegle heel started at 2st past centre, decrease until each leg is 48st ♡ .
  • Once count is 48st knit six rnds even in pattern, then inc 2 every other rnd til left count is 56 52 (8st 4st inc), and right/red/splint is 64 60 (16st 12st inc).
  • Left sock - 56st 52st, knit even for 22rnds (36rnds total since ♡ ) then start 2x2 ribbing, continuing for 12ish rnds. Right sock - 64st 60st, knit even for 18rnds (40rnds total since ♡ ) then start 2x2 ribbing, continuing for 24 rnds.

Working Notes:

  • Can only find one set of 3.5mm dpns, which is going to be a complete pain. Do one on dpns, the other on the circ using magic loop? Might have a set of short 3.5mm somewhere… Found them. Going to use the two sets mixed.
  • Finished increases, knit into dpns, one Tex mex round then red rounds (three), followed by three Tex mex and begin pattern - first three rounds of which are plain knit! Starting instead on row 3 of the pattern, so one plain knit then one k, p, k, p.
  • And because I hate to do as I’m told, I’m switching the pattern up - three rows plain knit then k, p, k, p, three rows plain knit then p, k, p, k. Think it’ll give it more texture.
  • The 3.5mm dpns are fine, still knitting up fast but a little more dense than last time - obviously hard to tell how much of a difference this will make in use til they’re in use, but a good start.
  • Prefering the density of this for my 4ply held double socks in future (44st still fits my foot nicely), but not certain they’re going to fit Smiler’s flipper feet…
  • HEEL - usual then switched to full round when 3 st left at each side, knitted from marker, k2tog to close gap on each side - this means back half now contains 28 st, but should contain 26st so that front plus back = 48st. Probably easy enough to decrease another two on the next round! Marker in this first round, so pattern from here to match the front.
  • Sizewise, wondering if next 4ply dbld pair for Smiler should begin with 48st - will try to withhold judgement til these are done, though I am wondering if this is going to turn out to be a waste of time if they’re too narrow to fit comfortably!
  • Red/right sock: marker in round one of 6 even. Marker in 1st st of 1st round of 18 even.
  • Left sock: check st count and compare to red/right.

Things to remember for next time:

  • These fit his feet much much better than the blue stripey ones, but there are still bits than can be improved.
  • When winding the doubled centre pull ball, wind one ball on its own, then this plus the other for the final doubled ball. This should stop accidental matching!
  • Slightly too narrow for Smiler’s foot at it’s widest point - maybe increase at toes to 4 more than I need, then decrease these stitches ten rounds later.
  • ANATOMICAL TOES! Sure this could fit much better. His big toes are (by far) the longest point on his foot - with the rest of his toes and his foot shape/positioning there is a daft amount of sock next to his big toe doing nothing.
  • When you’ve increased 13 each side on a 44st sock, the end point for the Fleegle heel is when there are 3st left on each side - then dec 2 on each of 1st and 2nd ‘real’ rounds.
  • Wondering if the leg section would fit better if it was all in 2x2 ribbing? Then wouldn’t need to worry about height of splint when a new one is ordered etc. Something to consider.
  • Use 3.5mm for my 4ply held double socks with 44st.

Number changes for next time:

  • Left leg can reduce by 4 stitches, as can cuff.
  • Red leg reduce by 4 stitches, as can cuff.
viewed 8 times
April 5, 2018
April 16, 2018
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Garnstudio
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
224 yards / 50 grams

93065 projects

stashed 50567 times

abstractLucas' star rating
  • Project created: March 30, 2018
  • Finished: April 16, 2018
  • Updated: May 5, 2018
  • Progress updates: 7 updates