Bunny Hat
March 11, 2016
March 13, 2016

Bunny Hat

Project info
Emmerson Beanie by Robyn Devine
HatBeanie, Toque
Hybrid of NB and 0-3 mo
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
17 stitches = 4 inches
66 yards = 0.39 skeins
Lion Brand Vanna's Choice
none left in stash
0.32 skeins = 54.4 yards (49.7 meters), 32 grams
thrift store
Lion Brand Vanna's Choice
46 yards in stash
0.07 skeins = 11.9 yards (10.9 meters), 7 grams
thrift store

3/13/16 Sewing the ears on sucked a little. It was hard to get them positioned right. I did use pipe cleaners to give them some shape but they don’t always stand up. All in all, I think the set is pretty cute and I hope the mom to be will like them!

3/12/16 The ears are knitted and just need to be sewn on. I think they look pretty good. I modified the ears from the Cottontail Bunny Hat. This is what I did:

Outer ear (make 2):
CO 10 via longtail. Work 5 rows in st st, starting and ending with a WS row.
Increase row: k1, m1r, k to last st, m1l, k1
Work 3 rows in st st
Repeat increase row
Work 9 rows in st st
Decrease row: k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1
P next row
Repeat dec row and p row twice more, then work dec row again. (4 sts)
BO purlwise

Inner ear (make 2):
CO 7 sts via longtail. Work 5 rows in st st, starting and ending with a WS row.
Increase row: k1, m1r, k to last st, m1l, k1
Work 3 rows in st st
Repeat increase row
Work 9 rows in st st
Decrease row: k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1
P next row
Repeat dec row and p row twice more.
K1, sl1 knitwise, k2tog, psso, k1 (3 sts)
BO purlwise

Sew pieces together from the RS using mattress st.

3/11/16 This will be part of a set for a newborn photo shoot. I made size 0-3 mo but used US8s instead of 9s for a slightly denser fabric. The next step will be figuring out how to make some bunny ears. I haven’t found a pattern for any that I really love, so I might just wing it. I’m planning to put pipe cleaners in them to help shape them as the recipient’s mom wants them to stand up.

viewed 87 times
March 11, 2016
March 13, 2016
About this pattern
21 projects, in 22 queues
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About this yarn
by Lion Brand
100% Acrylic
170 yards / 100 grams

160832 projects

stashed 59749 times

alexand's star rating
  • Project created: March 11, 2016
  • Updated: March 13, 2016
  • Progress updates: 3 updates