Lace Hearts Cardi 2.0
In progress
January 18, 2024
work in progress

Lace Hearts Cardi 2.0

Project info
Lace Hearts Cardi by Martin Storey
35” (+1” ease)
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
22 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Sport
1507 yards in stash
Knit Picks
September 9, 2015


  • 22 sts x 32 rows = 4” in stockinette
  • 22 sts x 33 rows = 4” in seed stitch
  • 17-stitch lace panel = 3.25” wide

Stylistically the biggest changes I made were to knit the body of the cardigan shorter, knit the sleeves longer, and decrease the upper arm circumference:

  • I knit the body of this cardigan 18” long instead of 21” long.
  • I knit the bottom rib 2” long instead of 3” long.
  • I knit the sleeves 17” long instead of 16.5” long.
  • I made the sleeve upper arm circumference 12” per size XS instead of 12.5” per size S.

I also made a few changes construction-wise:

  • For the rib I used a long tail cast on and started with a WS row.
  • I worked the selvage stitches in stockinette.
  • For the lace panel I used SSK instead of SKP for the left slanting decreases.

My row gauge was larger than the pattern’s and my seed stitch gauge was larger than the pattern’s so I made changes to the stitch and row counts.

For the back and fronts I used the XS stitch counts. I followed the XS instructions for the armhole and neck shaping for a cross back width of 13.25” instead of 13”. I worked 62 armhole rows instead of 66 rows.

-rib for 2” (15 rows)
-work even for 1.5” (12 rows)
-increase next row
-increase every 8th row x4
-work even for 2” (17 rows) - 77 rows, 9.5” long

-cast on 45 sts
-rib for 1” (9 rows)
-work even for 1” (8 rows)
-increase next row
-increase every 8th row x3
-increase every 10th row x4
-increase every 12th row x3 - 67 sts
-work even for 2.5” (21 rows) - 139 rows, 17” long

Sleeve Cap:
-BO 5 sts x2
-decrease every row x3
-decrease every RS row x4
-decrease every 4th row x1
-decrease every RS row x9
-work 1 WS row even
-BO 23 sts - 36 rows, 4.5” long

I picked up 83 sts for the neck band per size XS.

For the button bands I cast on an extra stitch at the top and bottom edge per this button band tutorial so the edges of the button band would look neat. I picked up 93 sts along the fronts (5 sts for every 7 rows along the body, 2 sts for every 3 rows along the bottom rib) for a total of 95 sts including the extra cast on sts.

I worked the buttonholes on row 3 of the button band instead of row 4. Buttonhole row: Rib 2, YO, K2tog, rib 13, YO, K2tog, rib 13…YO, K2tog, rib 1.

I used seven 5/8” buttons from

-Back: 97g (266 yds)
-Fronts: 96g (263 yds)
-Sleeves: 156g (427 yds)
-Neck and Button Bands: 17g (46 yds)


  • Bust: 35”
  • Waist: 30”
  • Length: 18”
  • Body Length: 9.5”
  • Armhole Length: 7.75”
  • Cross Back Width: 13.25”
  • Sleeve Length: 17”
  • Upper Arm: 12”
  • Lower Arm: 7”

Total Cost:

  • Yarn:
  • Buttons: $4.00

Ball 1: 38g
Ball 2: 28g
Ball 3: 48g
Ball 4: 30g
Ball 5: 11g
Ball 6: 6g
Ball 7: 36g
Ball 8: 37g
Ball 9: 23g
Ball 10: 6g
Ball 11: 30g
Ball 12: 29g
Ball 13: 9g
Ball 14: 10g
Ball 15: 10g
Ball 16: 7g
Ball 17: 49g

Sleeve 1: 78g (114g - 36g)
Ball 1: 38g
Ball 2: 28g
Ball 3: 48g - 36g left

Sleeve 2: 78g (83g - 5g)
Ball 3: 36g (leftover)
Ball 4: 30g
Ball 5: 11g
Ball 6: 6g - 5g left

Back: 97g (107g - 10g)
Ball 6: 5g (leftover)
Ball 7: 36g
Ball 8: 37g
Ball 9: 23g - 6g left
Ball 10: 6g - 4g left

Left Front: 48g
Ball 11: 30g
Ball 12: 29g - 11g left

Right Front: 48g
Ball 9: 6g (leftover)
Ball 12: 11g (leftover)
Ball 13: 9g
Ball 14: 10g
Ball 15: 10g
Ball 16: 7g - 5g left

Neck Band: 5g
Ball 17: 49g - 44g left

Button Bands: 12g
Ball 17: 44g (leftover) - 32g left

Ball 17: 32g

viewed 1 time
In progress
January 18, 2024
work in progress
About this pattern
15 projects, in 27 queues
alisonesther's overall rating
alisonesther's clarity rating
alisonesther's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
137 yards / 50 grams

15004 projects

stashed 17087 times

alisonesther's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 18, 2023
  • Project created: January 18, 2024
  • In progress: January 18, 2024
  • Updated: Yesterday