Emb Vintage Kitten Baby Booties
July 5, 2022
July 17, 2022

Emb Vintage Kitten Baby Booties

Project info
Hooks & yarn

317 CXC a slate gray
28 JP Myrtle Green
B5200 CXC - 1 full skein for blanket stitch

Etsy Pattern:

This pattern is vintage and has very vague instructions. Instead of putting numbers on the pattern pieces, they drew a little sketch and placed the numbers there, without a lot of accuracy. I am not sure I’ll be able to get the 2 pieces aligned, to finish these into booties.. I;m finding it very difficult to keep the toe gathered and try to fit in the tongue.

I sewed the gathered toe onto the tongue, as I did the blanket stitch on the shoe, and took it out many times, as the sewing of the gathered toe started well but on the other side of the toe, it would be too much left, or not enough. Ideally, the pattern would have had 2 dots on the shoe that indicated where to ease the gathering in and 2 dots on the tongue, telling you where to start and end the gathering. Matching the dots on the tongue and the shoe, you would be able to KNOW if you had it gathered enough, too much, or not enough. As is, expect to spend a lot of time sewing the tongue in, but the materials are cheap (1 piece of felt) and some floss and pattern is inexpensive, so if you like to solve puzzles, this will keep you busy for awhile! I will say they had markings on a SKETCH of the pattern, which was not exactly shaped like the actual pattern, not that helpful. Why would they just not put the dots on the actual pattern pieces themselves?!?!?! Such are vintage patterns!

I used a lazy daisy stitch for the cat eyes, slightly tilting the outside up. I gathered the shoe about halfway up the sides and around the toes. Do the blanket stitch around the tongue, starting at the bottom, before attempting to sew the shoe and tongue together. Also, I did not tie down the ribbon, but ran it thru the blanket stitching below the mouth, so it would not cover it up. I thought that was a safer choice, as I could easily move it, compared to sewing it on wrong and re-doing that repeatedly. I did not sew the ribbon to the back. Having it brought thru the blanket stitch, allowed me to tie the shoe on tighter. If the ribbon had been sewn to the front sides, you could only get it tighter across the tongue, and it might fall off. I’m not sure I’d do this for a baby gift, as it’s unclear how they would fit and if they’d stay on. But my doll is fine with them! If I had a wee baby of my own, it’d be worth a spin, but I wouldn’t risk a gift that may not work on a real baby, without being able to try them on.

viewed 5 times
July 5, 2022
July 17, 2022
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: July 6, 2022
  • Finished: July 18, 2022
  • Updated: April 5, 2023
  • Progress updates: 3 updates