Oatmeal Cardigan
August 22, 2016
October 20, 2016

Oatmeal Cardigan

Project info
Ambrosia by Gudrun Johnston
Needles & yarn
12 stitches and 17 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette Stitch
Quince & Co. Puffin
11 skeins = 1232.0 yards (1126.5 meters), 1100 grams
Quince and Co.

I purchased the pattern for the novelty and the Hex pattern, but that is about it. Firstly, I can’t see doing this bottom up and making it fit and second I’m not a fan of a hood. On the up side, my gauge matched the pattern which makes many things easier.


The first increase row on the yoke was a bit tight; I left the row prior to the next increase rows looser.

Make edge sts a garter selvedge!

Provisional CO 52 sts

  1. Knit
  2. purl 13, m1, repeat from 2x, p 13 (55 sts)
  3. K40, turn
  4. P25, turn
  5. K35, turn
  6. P40, turn
  7. K and pick up all short rows
  8. Purl 3, p2, m1, repeat from, p4. (79 sts)

9-11. 3 rows
12. Purl 3, p3, m1, repeat from, p4 (103 sts)

13-15. 3 rows
16. Purl 3. p4, m1, repeat from, p4 (127 sts)

17-19. 3 rows end on a WS row.


I overthought this. Just start the Hex pattern on row 1; for every k4, substitute k1, m1, k2, and change the last k3 to k1, m1, k1. (152 sts) Knit from row 2 per pattern.


End of Hex
Purl, add 4 sts across row (156 sts)

Begin division
K 26, place 30 sts on holder, CO 10 (12) sts, K 38 sts, place 30 sts on holder, CO 10 (12) sts, k 26 (116 (120) sts)

Armhole is too tight. Add 2 sts to under arm CO and decrease in the first 8 rows. -Remember to decrease on sleeves!


I bound off the bottom edge and tried the sweater on again and I can’t stand the sleeve openings. I thought the numbers looked odd when I split the back and sleeves; I have 26-38-26 front and back at the yoke and it is just wrong, the sleeves are too far back. The pattern started from the bottom looks fine - 32-68-32 front and back - so how did I get such weird numbers at the yoke? I do see that the sleeves are set back on the side seam, but not that much.

My first note today shows that I can’t add. (or subtract)

The pattern from the bottom is 132 stitches at the bottom, split 32-68-32, so far so good. We have four double increases, leaving 28-60-28 (116) before the underarm. The underarm split should be 26-10-44-10-26. (116)

Ok. And there we still have the back-set sleeves. Not as bad as my original numbers, but… it is still weird.

Splitting front and back as half and half is 23-10-50-10-23 (116) with the side seam set at the underarm center giving 28-60-28 front and back; add 30 for the sleeves and the yoke is 23-30-50-30-23 (156).

Going with a basic 25% split all around the 156 stitch yoke is approximately 40 stitches to each part of the body; 17-40-40-40-17. That becomes a real headache making the pattern work, so I’m going to put that notion on hold.

That’s the plan and I’ll see how it works (after I rewind all this yarn).


Moving the sleeve openings worked and I knit down to the hem. On my first run to the hem it felt short on my long torso, ending just below the hip bone at mid butt. I increased the rows between increases to 15 on my second run and the hem is at the top of the thigh which feels much nicer. I must be an old lady.

I worked on the neckline while waiting for my dpn to arrive in the mail (I had all four size 10, but no 11). I originally thought a wide, fold over collar, but I didn’t factor how wide the neck opening is and it looked odd. I had to add more short rows to bring up the back of the neckline and went with a straight “mandarin” style instead.

Today I am working down the sleeve. I am at 34 stitches on the needles with two more decreases to go and my reaction is that the sleeves are very tight. They are still at my bicep and the next decrease will fall around my elbow. I have a feeling this is another propotional problem; I will go past the elbow before making a decision.

(Yes, I still have the underarm gussets and I took that ease out in the first 8 rounds.)


After trying on the sweater several times I was finally okay with the sleeve width. Most of the following week was spent doing the neckline over and over; the back of the yoke for the hood is almost three inches below the yoke at the collarbone in the front. Easing in the difference involved short rows and decreases until it finally both looked and felt right when worn.

The collar was bound off with just two rows of garter, then the front bands and sewing on the buttons. I have many reservations about this pattern, but the final sweater is like putting on a warm hug and I don’t want to take it off.

viewed 163 times | helped 1 person
August 22, 2016
October 20, 2016
About this pattern
169 projects, in 542 queues
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About this yarn
by Quince & Co.
Super Bulky
100% Wool
112 yards / 100 grams

4656 projects

stashed 2688 times

deschampsia's star rating
deschampsia's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Fluffy
  2. Pills
  • Project created: August 30, 2016
  • Finished: October 20, 2016
  • Updated: June 14, 2017
  • Progress updates: 3 updates