Chimney Fire
August 21, 2016
August 29, 2016

Chimney Fire

Project info
Chimney Fire by Melissa J. Goodale
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn! Stonewash
4.23 skeins = 1064.8 yards (973.5 meters), 600 grams

Tips: To get you through the pattern, I found it helpful to use different types of markers-I used my traditional stitch markers to mark the arms and back but then for the cable repeats I used loops of yarn-I found that extremely helpful and was then able to whiz through it faster after figuring that out. I also used one sided prints so I could have each chart on a separate page from the instruction and I used post it notes to keep my place on each chart.


My gauge is a tad looser (when isn’t it??) so I am going to just do the smallest size to compensate. I’m not off by much-so this should work out.

This construction has intrigued me-I want to design my own sweater of this type of construction but before I lose my mind I thought I’d try this beauty first. I do plan on adding pockets (never ever done pockets before) and I will start the ribbing halfway through the second to last cable repeat.

Started the cable neckline-and love it. This yarn is gorgeous and really shows off the pattern.



When you print this print on NOT two sided pages. You’ll need to have the charts separate than the instructions…


Went back to Hobby Lobby to get more of this fantabulous yarn and they only had one skien left-so I got a rain check and the chick said she should get it in by Friday-but no promises. I do have three skiens left-but I really was planning on making this longer so I’m hoping they do get more in.


Finally got to divide for sleeves for a moment of truth! PERFECTION! yippee!!! Confession: I didn’t do a cable cast on when it called for it. I’M A REBEL! haha!


Going well, just slow-the moss stitch takes a bit more time than just a stockinette…but we are making progress…After the dividing into sleeves and front/back the going is much easier-just time consuming. I have to stop every so often though and look at how it is going so I give myself the motivation to keep going.


Ok, so for my pocket, I will use scrap yarn for the moss section of each side, and work the moss…then slide those stitches back onto the left needle and begin the cable chart that matches the side I am on-I will do the pockets in the cable pattern….cuz…why not? I haven’t counted the stitches yet so I’ll probably have to figure out where to start and stop, but that is what I am thinking. ETA: counted the stitches and they are off-I have 18 to play with. I found a neat cable pattern that I think I’ll use for the pockets-I just keep thinking it will be a nice effect. I really hope I don’t f-this up with my silliness. I really love this sweater so far! :)

After doing that, then the top stitches on waste yarn become the pocket lining and the bottom stitches become the top portion that I will make (I think) k2, p2 ribbing but maybe with a buttonhole. I really like pockets, and I like to put my phone in them, so buttons are nice.


Huston: We have a problem. It’s called I NEED MORE YARN. Hobby Lobby never called me-they were supposed to yesterday. DOH!
UPDATE: Called Hobby Lobby today and the lovely lady said she didn’t’ know why the other lady didn’t save me my yarn but she found five skeins on the shelf and set them aside for me. I high tailed it over and they are MINE! HALLELUJAH!


This is really taking me forever. I did finish the body and one pocket so that is cool. To make the pocket I:
using waste yarn, knit all the stitches in pattern on the side panel between side ribbing and front cable. Slide those stitches you just knitted back onto the left needle and begin new cable pattern (or you can just keep the moss stitch going-I just wanted to try a cable pattern). Then just keep on with the bottom of your sweater until you are done…remembering to use the new cable pattern at that point if you are going to use it.

Finishing pockets: The top stitches on waste yarn become the inside lining the bottom stitches on waste yarn become the top edge of the pocket.

What I did: I did the lining in stockinette until it was about an inch from the bottom of the sweater. For the top edge, I carried up the cable theme and added a little yo, k2tog in the center as I like buttons, in case I want to put my phone in. I had thought to use pretty rhinestone buttons but they catch on the yarn-duh.


Finished sleeve one yesterday…ONE MORE LEFT that is all. EEK! I so want to be finished. Then I’m MUST do small projects for a bit of time as I need instant gratification to overcome this long time of no production!

viewed 2078 times | helped 4 people
August 21, 2016
August 29, 2016
About this pattern
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  • Project created: August 21, 2016
  • Finished: August 29, 2016
  • Updated: September 1, 2016
  • Progress updates: 2 updates