The Final Dance
March 17, 2015
March 25, 2015

The Final Dance

Project info
Dianna by Jane Araújo
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn

I probably shouldn’t have tried this if I’d paid attention to the disclaimer on the pattern. So when I read the disclaimer that this pattern wouldn’t be of any use to anyone who has never done entrelac I kind of took that as a triple dog dare (because I like to learn things that someone might think I won’t be able to learn). Of course I had to make three charts and some wicked cool written instructions, but I got this little S.O.B. figured out now. Yourpa Dadpa Smellspa likepa apa womanpa (this is in reference to Diary of a Wimpy Kid-hilarious movie btw haha!). Yup. Cracked the code I did. So, basically-YES you can make this lovely shawl if you don’t have experience, but you WILL need to do some research because of the way this pattern is written….

I have to say I’m VERY pleased with the way I re-wrote this. I would have loved to share it with those that aspire to make this lovely shawl but were in the same boat I was….But sorry folks, but the designer has zero interest in my written description (I offered to send it to her), which fully explains how to do this for those that don’t want to learn the backwards technique and would be very helpful for those that want to do this as a first entrelac project. I just respect the wishes of the designer so I have to keep them all to myself. The work I did is NOT wasted though, as I needed it in order to actually complete this shawl. All I know is my heart was in the right place, and I was just trying to be helpful when my offer to send all my written directions was nixed. It is a lovely pattern, and I think the world needs to be populated with this lovely shawl.

Best tips I can give:

  1. entrelac is usually done forwards and backwards-this is why the numbers on the chart are all on one side-you are meant to knit backwards. You can beat that system if you want to turn your work, by working the chart from the opposite end when you turn.

  2. The chart in the pattern wasn’t friendly to me-in the linked thread, there is another chart that is a little more useful-but there is an even BETTER chart that is done by julianne (I have that project linked to mine as being ‘helpful.’)

  3. Find a free pattern for entrelac that does not require you to knit backwards and work a few rows of it to get the ‘feel’ for it..Once you do, you should be able to work this pattern OK.

The lower star rating reflects the fact that the chart doesn’t really show what to do on the WS-it is assumed you are paying attention to purl purls and knit knits. You know what they say about assuming. I also found the triangle part very very confusing. I also don’t think you should have to wade through thousands of comments on a forum to be able to understand a pattern. After I was directed to the forum (by reading through notes of other Ravelarians) I checked it out-there was another chart listed there that made far more sense than the one in the pattern. The star rating does NOT reflect the fact that beginners will not understand it, as there IS a disclaimer.

but I have to say that I am LOVING this entrelac technique. I’ve already got a design starting up in my head that will use entrelac-but I’ll write it in a way that others can understand without feeling like second-rate yarnitarians.

Notes and mods:
3-17: Ok, so I gave it a start and instantly became befuddled. DAFUQ? Blank spaces are do nothing..every even row we do nothing? SO confused.

Ok. RESEARCH. It is assumed that you are a knitter of all things backwards. Which, is half-ass backwards in my book. Never heard of such a thing-BUT I’m a knitting newb (sort of) and determined to do this. I think I’m going to turn my work. The chart in the pattern isn’t really very helpful-there is one in the thread regarding this pattern that is better. I’m making one for my own personal use and will also write it out as I HATE charts.

Ok, so I have completely redone this pattern to work for my backwards self. I didn’t like the chart…so I made my own, we shall see what happens.

Got a lot of work done on it-dd had track, karate and an ortho appointment. I’m on tier five now! whoot whoot!

3-18-15: I’ve gotten all the way up to tier seven-just cast on for the start of it.

3-20-15: Still going…Been banging away a little here and there, and progressing very well. I have found, when I put my work down, so I don’t get confused where I am at, I just put a SM on the right needle and mark the line I am on.

3-23-15: I had ZERO clue what on EARTH I was doing when it came to the triangles. Soooo I just worked the first 13 stitches, picked up 13 stitches and worked short rows putting a cdd in the center between the two until it felt right. Not too bad…Then I’d bind off those first 13 then work the next 13 pick up 13 and do the same thing…

I would be done now…but I wanted to have a nice edge. Uggh. So here we go….starting the pretties.

3-24-15: off the needles and blocking. Magical I tell you!

Before starting:
We moved to a place that is magical. The fall is amazing, and inspired me to write this poem…I thought I’d try this little shawl…because it is amazing…like my road.

For the top edge I picked up stitches along the top then YO, k2tog, across
k 1 row
bind off

Border (end of odd rows k2tog is with cooresopnding stitch on edge)
Co 9

  1. (k, yo) x 2, (ssk, yo) x 2, k2, k2tog
  2. Sl, p to end
  3. K, yo, k3, (yo, ssk) x 2, k, k3tog
  4. Sl, p to end
  5. K, yo, k5, (yo, ssk) x 2, k2tog
  6. Sl, p to end of row
  7. Ssk, yo, ssk, k,(k2tog, yo) x 2, k2, k2tog
  8. Sl, lp to end of row
  9. Ssk, yo, k3togtbl, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, k2tog
  10. Sl, p to end of row
  11. Ssk, p, k2tog, yo, k4, k2tog
  12. Sl, p to end of row

6-19-15: a new pattern is available for download. It’s basically the same chart and same words I saw-still confusing for a newb. A shame. I’ve still saved up all my written instruction in case she ever wants me to send it to her so that she may use it for others. As it stands, without her permission to share it, I will not. Please don’t ask me to do so.


Final Dance. Shawn aka Dbird

Barren and awash with despair
Gloominess has lasted forever
But the leaves have a message to share

They burst forth even when life seemed so distant
Trees awash with life-excitement renews
The deadness forgotten in an instant

They dance in the wind they sing life’s joyous song
Moonlight twinkles between their fingers
They dance in the wind for they know they’ve not long

Listen, can you hear them sing?
Look, can you see them smile?
Do you know the joy they bring?

Their time is short they feel the burn
They show their inner beauty at last
For they know it is almost Winter’s turn

Feel the greatness of life’s one chance
Listen for their very last song
Watch as they make their final dance

The wind assists this final tune
Playing the strings of nature’s harp
The final dance will happen soon.

viewed 928 times | helped 26 people
March 17, 2015
March 25, 2015
About this pattern
625 projects, in 1712 queues
dragonbird's overall rating
dragonbird's clarity rating
dragonbird's difficulty rating
  • Project created: March 17, 2015
  • Finished: March 25, 2015
  • Updated: June 21, 2015
  • Progress updates: 3 updates