Imperial Velvet Harvest
May 5, 2015
May 20, 2015

Imperial Velvet Harvest

Project info
Harvest by tincanknits
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
842 yards
Lion Brand Heartland
1255 yards in stash
3 skeins = 753.0 yards (688.5 meters), 426 grams
Hobby Lobby in Illinois
May 4, 2015
Lion Brand Heartland
176 yards in stash
0.1 skeins = 25.1 yards (23.0 meters), 14 grams
Hobby Lobby in Illinois
Lion Brand Heartland
251 yards in stash
0 skeins = 0.0 yards (0.0 meters), 0 grams
Hobby Lobby in Illinois
Lion Brand Heartland
452 yards in stash
0.2 skeins = 50.2 yards (45.9 meters), 28 grams
Hobby Lobby in Illinois
Lion Brand Vanna's Choice
116 yards in stash
0.1 skeins = 14.5 yards (13.3 meters), 10 grams

After dividing for sleeves I aggressively increased (only did the increase knit rounds until I reached my stitch count). I wanted it to widen up earlier-for some reason I think the cardigans look more flattering when they close higher up as opposed to in the midsection.

For increases I did m1R before marker and m1L after marker for the front increases I did m1r on the right side and m1l on the left side.

Did decreases on body @ 4.5” after underarm by ssk, k2tog at each center point under arm.

Added buttonhole (three stitches from end-I wanted the button not in the center of the garter…not really sure why, I just felt like it needed to be there) right after I divided for sleeves

Added buttonhole after I was done with the increases.

I started the color working (using sand chart from Velvet Morning) after I tried on the sweater and I was past my boobies.

4 inches of K2 P2 rib-then thumb holes (cast off five) then three more inches of rib then bound off.

Future Mods:
Instead of a garter neckline-go for a cable or something more fun.

Of course I only just realized this Harvest was part of ‘The Simple Collection.’ Guess I desimpelmatized it. ;)

This was a very easy to follow pattern-I loved that there are so many sizes to chose from-you can make one for everyone in your family! (or not) haha!

5-5-15: To get gauge I had to go way down (typical for me as I am a loosey goosey).

I have decided to use the Harvest basic pattern and then do the colorworking as in Velvet Morning. Mainly decided to go this route because of everyone complaining about that neckband that had to be sewn on and also because I saw so many projects that had weird looking arm seams-all bunchy. I may add a star wars colorworking chart of my own as well. We shall see. :)

5-7-15: So my counts were a little off after I did the repeats for the raglan increases-so for 5-6 I really did 4-6 once more to get my counts better. I have also put my sleeves on holders….I also put a buttonhole right after I put my sleeves on holders- I don’t like how the sweater looks when it is buttoned lower down after all the increases-It gives it a frumpy look to me. Besides that, I have a big heart surgery scar going down my chest, and sometimes I like the option to hide it-I don’t go out of my way to do so, but when I am attacked with pesky stares it is nice to have the option.

I just want one button right at the tippy top. Hope it works like I am planning. I am also going to be aggressively increasing instead of gradually (omitting the knit rows during that part and only doing increase ones). I will put another buttonhole at the end of that and depending which one I like better I will sew closed the other…or leave both..we shall see. THe photo of my earrings is to show off my new cool earrings my grammy bought me from etsy. knitting needles and a yarn ball! Love them! But they hurt my ears because I’m allergic to metal-can’t usually wear non gold. But I can wear them for little bits-it was perfect that they are purple as is this project! :)

I think I am definitely going to squeeze a storm trooper in there somewhere-maybe even a tauntaun. I am also thinking I’d like a bird applique on the back. My brain thinks up some strange stuff when I knit projects that are straight up stockinette. Could be good could be bad. haha!

5-11-15: I’ve started the color portion of this top. I am doing one row of star wars in the front-I’m going to do a TIE fighter, AT-ATs and a storm trooper….and then using the color chart for the rest (the velvet morning color chart-sand version). I counted out how many stitches I need for them and will hopefully be able to make it flow….sorta…
I wasn’t a fan of the heartland green I had originally chosen. I’m going to swap it out the next set of rows for a lighter green I got just in case I didn’t like the other.

5-12-15: Got quite a bit of the colorworking done…I may add more for extra length…I am having a hard time memorizing the pattern repeats, so I’m constantly looking at the chart which is obnoxious to me-I’ve had to do a few tink backs but so far so good. I made an AT-AT and a TIE fighter….I’m having a tough enough time with the colorworking charts at this point to keep adding more confusion. haha!

I opted to make my flowers staggered instead of on top of each other…I’m going to make them on top of each other for the sleeves. I’m using this as my ‘canvas’ just experimenting with different stuff…

So I totally just realized I screwed up the chart on the blue/green section-the top half is detached from the bottom half…I’m gonna pretend it was on purpose…Space invaders…that’s it…I wanted it to look like Space invaders. SCORE! ;)

5-17-15: Been a while since an update-been super busy with dd and chores-it’s spring on the farm so I’ve been getting the yard beautified-plus I’ve had to mow (three acres) every three days due to the rains and great temps for growing grass…Been introducing my new chickens to the outdoors-so far only two have been brave enough to venture out. They love their coop! :) DD has been in track-and that is EVERY DAY I have to pick her up-plus she is still in karate and kobudo (karate with weapons) and band….So in between all that I have managed to almost finish a sleeve. I am going to do k2p2 ribbing on the ends of the sleeves….I know there is no way in hell I will enjoy a garter edge on my sleeves. No way Jose.

5-18-15: finished right sleeve. whohoo! I even made a thumby hole.. I’ve always wanted one. :)

2-20-15: Almost done with the second sleeve-had to bust into another purple skein-only gonna use a teensy bit of it though.

AND DONE! I even got done weaving in all the ends at 9 PM I’m BEAT. It hasn’t been washed and dried yet-so I am OVER THE MOON with how it turned out-it’s wonderful and not even blocked yet. I’m a happy happy girl.

before start and reading through velvet morning projects:

REading through notes, a lot of people don’t like intarsia in the round. It doesn’t bother me-maybe because I knit continental? hmm. I’m also scared now of the neck band thing and the shoulder shaping.

Love this sweater. For now I’m just bouncing colors around-won’t have time to start for quite a while though. BOO!

I think I might incorporate the two sweaters together….

viewed 2095 times | helped 19 people
May 5, 2015
May 20, 2015
About this pattern
6560 projects, in 7303 queues
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About this yarn
by Lion Brand
100% Acrylic
170 yards / 100 grams

160739 projects

stashed 59705 times

dragonbird's star rating
About this yarn
by Lion Brand
100% Acrylic
251 yards / 142 grams

47887 projects

stashed 24255 times

dragonbird's star rating
  • Project created: May 3, 2015
  • Finished: May 20, 2015
  • Updated: July 6, 2015
  • Progress updates: 5 updates