Spamtown USA
March 1, 2016
March 2, 2016

Spamtown USA

Project info
Knitted SPAM by Len Woodman
Needles & yarn

I pretty much did my own thing. I started with the base-and followed that…but instead of binding off, I did a row of opposite the stockinette (for a crisp edge) then I picked up stitches along sides and front (the back was already on needles) for working those in the round. For the lid-I actually did stockinette, then a row of purl for turning then did the same amount of rows in stockinette and folded it over so it would be more firm. To keep the sides from collapsing I used some plastic canvas and sewed it onto the sides and along the top edge…For the spam slices again, I didn’t make two pieces separate, I made one, then did a purl row, and made the second and just folded it over.

I have loads of family that live in Spamtown, USA-aka Austin, MN. I remember visiting as a kid (my mom lived there-she’s a real crappy mother that left her kid-I was that kid-the ‘unaccompanied minor’ on an airplane-that phrase gives me the willies) and smelling the pig in the air from the Hormel plant…It was just a small town…but now, because of the Spam Museum, it is quite the tourist place-so strange! My step-cousin wrote the spam joke book…I wish this was a joke…it isn’t haha! So now my bro works for Hormel…and may be starting over at the spam museum..only fitting he gets this!!!


I have wanted to make this forever, and never got around to it. Until yesterday. I love SPAM. In fact, I love it so much that when my hubby was deployed (quite a few years ago when the kids were still pretty little) and my folks watched the kids for me for a few hours-I got all dressed up-in high heels, skirt and did my hair and makeup….So I could make Spam Burgers and watch Gone With The Wind. Bahaha! This is a free pattern on Ravelry, although I didn’t really follow it much-I opted to do it mostly in the round and added a few bells and whistles to make it more sturdy. I do love the little Spam slices that store nicely in the can. Oh god. My new favorite thing! So ya…I’m going to have to make a different one for my bro. bahaha!


Forgot to mention that I purled at each of the corners as I went around-then went along each corner with a crochet hook and did some sc to give it a better edge. If I make it again, I may actually do reverse stockinette for the base and then knit the edges-that may be the way to go here. :)


update: bro didn’t get the job he wanted…boo! So I get to keep the SPAM! YEAH!

viewed 83 times
March 1, 2016
March 2, 2016
About this pattern
17 projects, in 87 queues
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  • Project created: February 29, 2016
  • Finished: March 2, 2016
  • Updated: March 4, 2016