Castle Greyskull
August 21, 2015
September 4, 2015

Castle Greyskull

Project info
#Sherlocklives Cardi by Professor Fonz
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
Baby Bee Sweet Delight
2 skeins = 754.0 yards (689.5 meters), 230 grams
baby bee sweet delight
0.75 skeins

Chart edit: Row 30 on sleeve should have an extra black for the third stitch.

To begin chart for sleeves-there is an extra stitch I had to fudge away…No biggie.

Yarn use is an estimate only-I had lots of scraps of that stuff laying around..

I have been eyeing this one for a while…it’s about time I get going on it! :) I have never seen any Sherlock anything…ever. I just really like this top!

UGGH! My printer isn’t working…little bugger. Have to have hubbster take a look at it when he gets home from work. Totally bummed!

I have to figure out what yarn I want to use as well.

8-21-15: I finally settled on my hobby lobby baby yarn…love that stuff and I had some on hand…Trying to go through my stash and shrink that sucker.

8-22-15: I did the first two decreases and I’m not having any problems yet…just slow going. :)

8-25-15: I should really upload a photo-it’s just plain grey and boring though…I am just about to the part where I will be dividing for front and back-just a few rows till I get there. I haven’t had a single issue with this pattern yet. Very straight forward and understandable. And it is coming out bigger than it is supposed to-which is what I had hoped. So I am so very pleased at this point.

8-26-15: Just started the colorworking on the first sleeve. This is the part where I really start to get mad that my hubby signed the death certificate on my printer last week. UUGH. I HATE charts and I HATE charts even more on my phone. REALLY hard to keep it straight-so of course I screwed up the first row and didn’t find out till the second row…I’m at least writing down the written of the chart so I can breeze through the second sleeve, but icky icky! Not an issue with the pattern, only my pathetic broken machine and stupid eyes. :)

Later that day: I’m mostly done with the chart portion of the first sleeve. I did make a mistake (or two or five) but it really isn’t SUPER noticeable so I am not going to frog it… I’m still blaming my lack of printer on this issue. DH is researching which printer we want…he is leaning towards a laser printer…cuz SOMEONE (ME!!) uses too much ink…I blame Ravelry. ;)

8-27-15: almost completely done with the first sleeve…I knew my gauge was looser but I didn’t quite realize quite how loose until I finished an arm. haha! I fail to see how a sport weight yarn can STILL be so much looser than a dk…and I’m knitting tightly. This is OK though, because I really wanted my top loose-I don’t like close fitting stuff usually. I’m just scratching my head over the whole thing. :)

8-28-15: So last night I started the second sleeve and got through about 15 rows of the chart and realized it was all garbly…I was in a fog of sadness…Stupid dog ran in front of my car on the way home and although I slammed on my breaks the darn thing STILL ran into the car with a thud…I think it is OK, at least that is what the owner’s said…They were annoyed that they just had to have the dog’s hip replaced last week from it running in front of a different car. WTH??!! Everyone around here knows that dog leaps in front of cars-it doesn’t matter how careful you are-the thing comes out from nowhere…Anyhow, I feel bad anyhow, even if it wasn’t my fault and the owners said it wasn’t my fault. DOESN’T HELP and apparently, colorworking when stressed and sad is not for me. I frogged those rows and will start fresh today hopefully.

Later on…so ya, it is turning out well now. No mistakes yet-and I’m on round 20! I’m trying to be really slow and detail oriented. NO MORE MISTAKES DARNIT! haha!

8-30-15: YESS! I have a printer! Life can now resume it’s regularly scheduled wonderfulness. :) It’s a laser one so hopefully it will be rocktastic! :)

8-31-15: So today was the day I got all my pieces on one circ and started the yoke! EEK! Loving this little sucker…and my printer is so fabulous I can actually read the stinking chart-if I am careful I might actually be able to do this without too much frogging! :)

9-1-15 Took a photo today that REALLY shows off the mistakes in the one sleeve. Ya ya..should have frogged it but….didn’t wanna. :P

9-2-15: Ok, so I’ve realized that having a printer that actually gives you clean crisp images makes a world of difference..I hate charts..truly. But for the colorworking I guess it isn’t that bad…I have a system now for myself-I used to always use a magnet that went along the bottom of the row I was currently on…but now I put the magnet above the row so that I can see what is below it and I don’t have to count anymore for the most part…I just just knit to ‘before’ or ‘after’ certain points…Going far faster than I thought it would-for the yoke I am averaging a row every 20-25 minutes…not too shabby-that is a LOT of stitches there! :)

This yoke shall be the death of me. My thumb is killing me. I am so determined to get t his sucker done, but everything is so heavy and there are so many stitches that my hand is cramping and I’m only halfway done with the yoke…eye on the prize my friends…eye on the prize!!


Good lord, Casey is awesome. LOVE this new note feature. SAVES ME TIME and brain cells! I’m to the eyeballs on the skulls…the end is in sight…I am so happy to getting close to finishing!!!


I finished last night! I’m done I’m done I’m done!!!! EEEEEK! I do, however, still have to sew my pits and weave in ends…gonna just wash and dump in the dryer…I am not sure how it is going to turn out-I’m still not a pro at colorworking so I’m stressing if blocking is going to help it. Fingers crossed! :)


The first photoshoot shows after a little steam blocking on the colorworking portion. I LOVE how it turned out! The bunchiness is practically gone without overly changing the size of the top. Thank you to my fellow Ravelrians that gave me the courage! ♥


Update! It’s chilly enough to wear this sucker! I wore it to take my son’s homecoming pics and I just loved it! ♥♥♥

viewed 611 times | helped 1 person
August 21, 2015
September 4, 2015
About this pattern
59 projects, in 501 queues
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About this yarn
by Baby Bee
60% Acrylic, 40% Nylon
377 yards / 115 grams

16712 projects

stashed 7759 times

dragonbird's star rating
  • Project created: August 13, 2015
  • Finished: September 4, 2015
  • Updated: October 4, 2015