Evan's Sweater
November 28, 2011
October 4, 2014

Evan's Sweater

Project info
my 'lil noggin'
Loom Knitting
my hubby, Evan
Tools and equipment
Evan's Sweater Yarn
Aran (8 wpi)
13 skeins = 1755.0 yards (1604.8 meters)
Natural Tan Heather
fiber from Taylored Fibers, Handspun by Emily Renee
October 2011

When I finally completed the book, Loom Knitting for Little People, my hubby said excitedly, “Now you can make a sweater for ME!” The photo shown of the completed sweater with cables is my inspiration for general shape and style…nix the cables, lol. ;)

This is quite the project for me. I have not yet done an item of clothing so large as a men’s XXL sweater, and my hubby is extremely picky, to say the least! I’ve been going about this pretty tentatively, because I don’t want to spend all this time and effort on something he won’t be able to wear for some reason or other…especially considering the expectations that have now been built around this particular design, lol. I’ll give it my all and hope for the best! ;)

The perfect fiber was found at the 2011 Fiber Fusion Northwest, a mixture of 50% merino and 50% alpaca by Taylored Fibers, then meticulously hand spun by Emily Renee. :) This was a huge job in itself and took her from the arrival of the fiber (we ordered more quantity than they had on hand at the show) to 11/18/12 to complete, pretty much an entire year, while working around all her other projects.

Then it was time for me to get to work, haha. I’d like to use this page as a type of project diary, so that hopefully I will be more motivated to see this sweater to its completion. GOAL: This baby needs to be ready and under the tree for Christmas 2013!!!

11/18/12: Cast On using Decor Accents AJAL 30” SG Loom, & completed back panel’s ribbing!

1/20/13: Completed a total of 85 rows of the back panel, using 116 pegs, increasing to 126 after 60 rows. I have been having a lot of difficulty using this particular loom, due to the larger knobs at the tops of the pegs. They are causing me to have a lot of hand/wrist pain. I decided I need to rethink this process. I also think the measurements from the original gauge swatch are off. Gah! :P

7/25/13: Purchased the Ultimate Sweater Machine with the idea that the bulk of this sweater could be created on it…easier on me and much quicker in the long run. Created a swatch. Showed to hubby. The gauge was too open for his liking, and anything smaller just wouldn’t work on the machine without me throwing it out the window, lol. Plan fail.

7/28/13: Created a swatch on the new Authentic Knitting Board 28” Loom with 20 peg Extenders. This is coming out extremely close to the original swatch that Evan had approved from the DA Loom. These pegs don’t have the large knob at the top, so there will be much less aggravation to the hands/wrists. Yay, we have a winner! :)

8/5/13: Revamped pattern using new swatch information. Cast On to KB loom, using 104 pegs this time, with the plan to increase to 126 after 59 rows. Worked 14 rows of ribbing and 10 rows of stockinette. Finally, some progress!

8/6/13: worked 6 K rows (30 total)
8/7/13: worked 4 K rows (34 total)
8/9/13: worked 20 K rows (54 total)
8/10/13: worked 9 K rows (63 total)
8/12/13: worked 13 K rows (76 total)
8/16/13: worked 14 K rows (90 total) I’ve now passed the point at which I had to frog the piece from the original loom! :D

8/18/13: worked 16 rows (106 total)
8/22/13: worked 15 rows (121 total)
I have officially removed the froggie-pond-bound piece from the previous loom and started knitting directly from it. Quite handy, I say, lol. ;)

8/23/13: worked 12 rows (133 total) It’s time for some arm hole shaping!

8/28/13: worked 25 rows (155 total)
8/29/13: worked 12 rows (170 total)
8/30/14: worked 34 rows (204 total)
8/31/13: worked 20 rows (224 total)

I’ve tried the Back on Evan’s fine self and it looks like everything is going to be a great fit. I’m keeping the final knot loose, as I’m just a tad concerned about the shoulder slope and neck edge shaping. The good thing is that I can go back and adjust this area pretty easily if it looks like it needs it after piecing it with the front panel. We shall see. For now, the journey continues…it’s onto the FRONT! :)

9/16/13: After a couple weeks off, I’ve cast on the Front! :D Worked 8 rows ribbing.
9/17/13: worked 14 rows (22 total)
9/18/13: worked 34 rows (56 total)
9/19/13: worked 20 rows (76 total)
9/22/13: worked 28 rows (104 total)

9/23/13: worked 4 rows (108 total)
9/24/13: worked 30 rows (138 total)
9/25/13: worked 14 rows (152 total)
9/26/13: worked 12 rows + 6 half rows (164 total whole rows, 6 half)

9/27/13: worked 61 half rows (164 total + 67 half) One side of the Front is off the loom…working up the 2nd neck edge!

9/28/13: worked 53 half rows (225 total) THE FRONT IS NOW COMPLETE!!! :D

Pinned the two halves on Evan and they fit together pretty well. It is evident that my gauge was a bit tighter on the Front section, resulting in a 1" difference in length, and it’s also just a smidge snug from the waist to bottom hem. I have every belief that I can rectify this through proper blocking, though, so no worries. ;)

I need to take the month of October off from this project to work on a couple of large loomy work orders, but will be right back in November to whip up those sleeves! :) Hopefully I can do the blocking on these two pieces before then and can share more photos with them all stretched out.

11/18/13: I have had to delay this poor sweater a little longer, as there was a delay in the yarn being delivered to me for the projects mentioned above, as well as a delay in how long it’s actually taking me to knit them, lol. ;) I expect to be done with them by the 2nd half of December…then we’ll see if I can get crazy on those sleeves before Christmas! :P

1/25/14: Well, the delay lasted into January, then I really needed a bit of a break from required knitting, haha. Too much is just that, and can be exhausting! I have some good news, though…the front and back panels are now officially on the blocking boards! They’ve been pinned to predetermined measurements and all looks good so far. :) (see photo)

Sleeves (Will work both at the same time, so I don’t have the problem of working one at a different gauge than the other, lol. ;)

2/3/14: 16 rows on 1st & 7 rows on 2nd (23 total)
2/5/14: 24 rows on 1st & 33 rows on 2nd (40 total 1st, 40 total 2nd)

2/22/14: 24 rows on 1st & 24 rows on 2nd (64 total 1st, 64 total 2nd)
2/23/14: 12 rows on 1st & 12 rows on 2nd (76 total 1st, 76 total 2nd)

3/4/14: 12 rows on 1st & 12 rows on 2nd (88 total 1st, 88 total 2nd)

4/1/14: 22 rows on 1st & 32 rows on 2nd (110 total 1st, 120 total 2nd)

4/3/14: Just wound the last four balls of yarn!!! (Photo) Crossing my fingers there’ll be enough to complete this beauty/beast, lol.
Also added photos of working two sleeves at once on same loom.

4/7/14: 54 rows on 1st & 44 rows on 2nd (164 total 1st, 164 total 2nd) Now it’s time to start rounding for the shoulders! :)

4/17/14: I took a few days to really research and plan for the shoulder caps. Upon considering, they turned out to be a bit more complicated than I expected, as they had to fit the arm holes just right. After struggling for a while, I think I finally hit upon the right math and numbers (fingers crossed, lol) and have begun the curve of the shoulders! :)
4/22/14: 28 rows on 1st & 28 rows on 2nd (192 total 1st, 192 total 2nd)

4/25/14: 30 rows on 1st & 30 rows on 2nd (206 total 1st, 206 total 2nd)
…as long as the sleeve curves turned out the correct size, THE SLEEVES ARE DONE!!! :D

5/5/14: Sleeves are now blocking to measurements! (photo added)

6/16/14: Taking the time to temporarily baste Evan’s Sweater pieces together that are done so far for an “Official Fitting!” This is going to fit right before those final stitches are made. ;) (photo)

After the fitting, we decided that the sides could use an additional 2 inches added to each, from the ribbing, to the area where it increases under the arms. I will make 2 side panels that will be invisibly seamed into the side seams that should take care of this little snafu. The good news is that the sleeves fit perfectly in the arm holes and they fit perfectly around Evan’s shoulders! Yay!!! :D

The Shawl Collar

6/24/14: 10 rows worked (10 total)
7/1/14: 14 rows worked (24 total)
Shawl Collar is complete! It just needs a good blocking. ;)

Extra Side Panels

Panel #1
6/25/14: 26 rows worked (26 total)
7/3/14: 12 rows worked (38 total)
7/8/14: 35 rows worked (73 total)
8/10/14: 30 rows worked (104 total)
Panel 1 is complete!

Panel #2
8/10/14:104 rows worked (104 total)
Panel #2 is complete!

Now I just need to block the final three pieces, unstitch the basting of the first fitting and seam the entire thing together for the final time. Aaaaallllllmost! :D

10/4/14: After three seaming sessions, total about 8+ hrs, the last stitch has been made and all the ends have been woven in and…THE SWEATER IS DONE!!!!!!! I just need to give it one last steaming to soften the seams a bit, then I’ll do a final photo session with hubby modelling. :)

10/25/14: Took the final photos in Leavenworth, WA :)

viewed 275 times | helped 3 people
November 28, 2011
October 4, 2014
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: August 7, 2013
  • Finished: October 4, 2014
  • Updated: February 25, 2018
  • Progress updates: 11 updates