Debbie Bliss's Ruby Sara Sweater
February 8, 2010
May 11, 2010

Debbie Bliss's Ruby Sara Sweater

Project info
Sara by Debbie Bliss
Small (32-34 in bust)
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK
none left in stash
8 skeins = 960.0 yards (877.8 meters), 400 grams
John Lewis London in Greater London
February 7, 2010

08.02.10 – This is my first sweater, kinda ambitious. I’m also revising the pattern so I can knit the body in the round.

26.03.10 – Oh man, this is taking forever. I definitely need some finishing advice. I only have sleeves and neck line and finishing to be done.

23.04.10 – Argh! The numbers do not add up. Back final cast off has 79 sts. The shoulder seams have 24 sts. Instruction says to sew up only 18 (where does the extra 6 sts go?) each side and to pick up 47… If I followed the instruction, it would be 79-18-18=43.

I ended up just winging it, sewing up the 24 sts (instead of just 18) on each shoulder seam, 79-24-24=31 from the back. Then pick up 27 (instead of 26) on the neck curve on each side and the 55 from the front to make 140 sts together in order to be divisible by 14.

27.04.10 Nearly done! Nearly done! Since i have less stitches than I suppose to, I’m going to finish the neckline with EZ’s sewn bind off.

28.04.10 Errhm… the neckband is a bit ruffley, I hope blocking/stretching after wear would eliminate this, also could it be the reason I have 14 less that the neckline isn’t as opened? Blocking body now then just waiting to sew in sleeves.

11.05.10 Finally finished!! Argh, one of the sleeve my sewing was a bit dodgy but hopefully can’t see much of it after another quick block.

Techniques learned:

  • Converting pattern into rounds. To do so, to take off 2 stitches (each end) and on each side – front and back (total of 4).
  • Knitting cables without cable needle
  • Invisible seaming/Mattress Stitch
  • Pick-up and Knit (neckline)
  • EZ sewn bind off
viewed 284 times
February 8, 2010
May 11, 2010
About this pattern
33 projects, in 57 queues
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About this yarn
by Debbie Bliss
55% Merino, 33% Acrylic, 12% Cashmere goat
120 yards / 50 grams

9708 projects

stashed 4634 times

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  • Project created: February 8, 2010
  • Finished: May 10, 2010
  • Updated: November 14, 2010
  • Progress updates: 9 updates