Purple Summit
March 30, 2010
April 13, 2010

Purple Summit

Project info
Summit by Mandie Harrington
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
10 repeats
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1,506 yards = 6 skeins
EL. D. Mouzakis Butterfly Super 10
3 skeins = 753.0 yards (688.5 meters), 375 grams
Romni Wools Ltd. in Toronto, Ontario
EL. D. Mouzakis Butterfly Super 10
3 skeins = 753.0 yards (688.5 meters), 375 grams
Romni Wools

2010-03-30 Put away my grey version and cast on a smaller, purple version for my mother. Worked the establishing rows plus a set of curves in each direction. Did not use my stashed ball of purple Butterfly because I can’t find it.

2010-04-02 Making good progress on this one -- it’s much faster than the silk, mostly because it’s narrower and partly because the yarn is easier to work with. Not working on size 1 needles helps, too.

When dropping stitches, they don’t immediately ladder all the way down to the YO, but I’m finding that quite helpful, actually. When you first pick it up after putting it down, it can be difficult to determine which direction you’re working in, left curves or right curves, but I’ve found that stopping at the end of each set of curves to run the ladders to the bottom helps. That way, in the middle of a row, the sections I’ve already worked are unladdered or only partially laddered, while the section I still need to knit has the dropped stitches fully laddered.

2010-04-04 Knitting at an NBA game isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Awesome, jaw-dropping ending to the game. Also, stitch-dropping.

For future reference, this pattern is a little hard to frog effectively. Consider running rescue lines as you might with lace.

2010-04-09 Chatted with my mother, the intended recipient and she wants this sort of Mobius style, which will be a little odd, since I’ll end up just sewing back to front, but I’m not tearing the whole thing back out to figure out how to knit it in the round. Other than that, though, I’m very nearly finished -- I just need to finish the last left curve repeat and then move into the finishing repeats.

2010-04-13 So, all done, and I’ve decided it doesn’t make sense as a moebius, so I’m not doing it. I still have a bunch more of this yarn, so I’m going to knit her an actual moebius in a drop stitch pattern. If I need more yarn for that, which I don’t think I will, I’ll cannibalize this one, but otherwise, she’ll simply get them both.

viewed 361 times | helped 7 people
March 30, 2010
April 13, 2010
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by EL. D. Mouzakis
100% Cotton
273 yards / 125 grams

4601 projects

stashed 4745 times

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  • Project created: March 30, 2010
  • Finished: April 20, 2010
  • Updated: December 1, 2012
  • Progress updates: 5 updates