January 19, 2011
January 23, 2011


Project info
Firefly Fringed Scarf by Cecily Glowik MacDonald
Neck / TorsoScarf
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Classic Elite Yarns Firefly
1.9 skeins = 294.5 yards (269.3 meters), 95 grams
The Yarn Patch in Crossville, Tennessee

Okay - if there could be two difficulty ratings, I’d put them both: one for deciphering the pattern, and one for actually knitting it. Someone on Ravelry linked to this very helpful website. It was the beginning that was so confusing, but I think there was no clear indication that you begin this pattern on row 5. I also noticed some people were concerned about removing the fringe - some had reported losing some of the main part of the scarf! So I found another link to a helpful video. Once you get going, this is a really fast knit - worked on this in between other projects!! I will be making another for my mom very soon.

viewed 1232 times | helped 42 people
January 19, 2011
January 23, 2011
About this pattern
542 projects, in 285 queues
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About this yarn
by Classic Elite Yarns
75% Rayon, 25% Linen / Flax
155 yards / 50 grams

3384 projects

stashed 3293 times

kaskadia's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 11, 2011
  • Project created: January 23, 2011
  • Finished: January 23, 2011
  • Updated: November 15, 2012