Natural Cables Throw
August 1, 2014
October 11, 2014

Natural Cables Throw

Project info
Natural Cables Throw by Lion Brand Yarn
72" x 50"
Needles & yarn
US 11 - 8.0 mm
Classic Elite Yarns MountainTop Chalet
21 skeins = 2058.0 yards (1881.8 meters), 1050 grams
Jimmy Beans Wool in Reno, Nevada

Made as a gift for someone who really wanted a cable blanket. This is a very simple pattern, great for TV watching while knitting. This yarn is heavenly to knit with, but don’t weary jewelry that snags!! Being primarily alpaca, it does shed quite a bit…

The person I made this for wanted fewer stitches between cables and a larger blanket. Oh and I finally figured out how to get that beautiful edge seam—check it out in the photos!

Modifications are listed below:

Cast on 153 stitches, then increase to 180 after the first two inches.

At the point where the cables begin: seed stitch for 10, p2, k8, p2, seed stitch 6 repeat across to last 22 stitches. Last 22 stitches: p2, k8, p2, seed stitch 10. Then carry on the pattern as in original notes. At point of decrease, go back to original 153 stitches. (Decrease by 27 stitches.)

Final size is 50 inches wide by 72 inches long.

viewed 464 times | helped 2 people
August 1, 2014
October 11, 2014
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Classic Elite Yarns
70% Alpaca, 30% Rayon from Bamboo
98 yards / 50 grams

2578 projects

stashed 2571 times

kaskadia's star rating
  • Project created: September 27, 2014
  • Updated: October 11, 2014