Icee Pop
May 10, 2012
June 12, 2012

Icee Pop

Project info
Popsicle by Nicole Hindes
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Bigmouth Yarns Moxie Sock
none left in stash
0.64 skeins = 220.8 yards (201.9 meters), 64 grams
Bigmouth yarns

5/10/12 - A new in-the-dark knitting project. I started this and have worked on it only at fun times - a big staff meeting where we celebrated our intern Brandy and then got to make cards, the Pink Martini concert with Jen & Angela, breakfast at First Watch with Megan, and Footnote with Dad. I messed up on the first two rounds of bobbles for two reasons. A) I didn’t know that the stitches needed to be passed over in that exact order, since this is only the second time I ever bobbled. B) I was having issues bobbling in the dark. Now it’s easy - I just have a safety pin that I slip on the needle right before I start the bobble stitches, and then my fingers are easily able to find the stitches to slip off without accidentally grabbing the purl stitch next to it. I’m happy to be making socks again, it’s been far too long since I did that, and I’m really happy that this portable project has turned out to be a good movie project. Socks are so easy to do and just keep going mindlessly on until you hit the heel.

I named this after my favourite kind of summer popsicles, the Icee Pops. I feel like this turquoise is so similar to that chemical blue turquoise, the flavour of which is anybody’s guess. My favourite colour has always been the light pink one, which is just the wee-est bit tart.

5/20 - I am nearly finished with the first sock, even though I’ve only been knitting on it in the dark for a week-ish! I think that if I had just spent another hour or two on it, I could have been done with the first one but I really am enjoying having this as my traveling, knit-on-it-anywhere project. I’m a bit perplexed as to the way the decreases were worked as well as the part that makes the curve happen…I’m just not sure why it’s done the way it is instead of every other row. But that’s fine, I can execute it just fine. After the second repeat of the rows, I had it memorized. I think that after one more movie, I should be done with the first one!!!

5/25 - One sock done! I’m amazed by this, particularly since the only time I really worked on it was when I was in movies. I really like the toe a lot. Some people seemed to have problems with the execution or decided to do a different toe decrease, but I really love how curved the toe is. I’ll probably get a lot more of the second sock done tomorrow while we’re on our way to the Wooster Fiber Fest. I was supposed to drive (hello convertible weather!) but I ran into some car issues today, so it looks like I’ll be a passenger. It’s a shame, but it really just equals more knitting time for me!

6/12 - Done! It only took a month to make these socks and there were only two times that I didn’t work on them while I was in full darkness at the movies. I’m willing to bet that if I added up the total time it took to work on and create them, it would be under 20 hours. I would highly recommend this pattern to anyone who is looking to make something just a little bit beyond a “vanilla” sock. It’s not so simple that you’ll be bored out of your mind, but it’s not so difficult that people who are new to socks wouldn’t be able to do it. (Remember, I did this all in the dark! If I could, so can you!)

viewed 176 times | helped 2 people
May 10, 2012
June 12, 2012
About this pattern
40 projects, in 393 queues
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About this yarn
by Bigmouth Yarns
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
345 yards / 100 grams

16 projects

stashed 24 times

knittingale's star rating
  • Originally queued: August 2, 2009
  • Project created: May 12, 2012
  • Finished: June 15, 2012
  • Updated: July 25, 2012
  • Progress updates: 6 updates