Avery's Fall Sweater - take 3!
July 2012
October 2014

Avery's Fall Sweater - take 3!

Project info
Jackets in Snuggly DK by Sirdar
Coat / Jacket
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm

A sweater for my son. He’s covering his face bcuz he has hit that age of “No pictures, Mom!”. Oh well, he still looks adorable to me. He chose the colour of the yarn as well as the buttons. :)

As-I-go Notes:

Sept 2013: Had started the sleeves and gotten one almost done and the other sleeve started (the cuff, on the smaller needles)… but had started the first one off with an extra stitch. One night I picked up the knitting again and got confused with what I’d done (didn’t help that I kept losing the little recipe card I was keeping track of increase rows on!!). So I ended up frogging the whole sleeve AND cuff and just started over. So it will take me some more time to redo, but they’ll be on pattern right down to the last stitch!

November15th: starting to get back to this project now that I have another skein of the right wool.

June 22nd, 2014: Eee! Almost finished, just need to find some buttons to match! Looks like it’ll still fit my son this fall (thank goodness - I’d’ve cried for weeks otherwise with all the work that went into this!)

Fall 2014: At long last, this sweater is finished. It’s too small for my son of course, but that’s mostly just in the sleeves. It’ll be something cosy to wear at home. Now to start on a much bigger one that will hopefully get done a LOT faster (2 yrs isn’t my all-time WIP record but it’s in the top few). :S

viewed 29 times
July 2012
October 2014
About this pattern
283 projects, in 140 queues
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  • Project created: October 6, 2013
  • Updated: November 22, 2014
  • Progress updates: 4 updates