2012 #34 - Mauvelous!
July 2012
July 2012

2012 #34 - Mauvelous!

Project info
Rustic Ripple by Carole Prior
charity - foster children
aprox. 35" x 54"
Hooks & yarn
5.0 mm (H)

I started with two scrap yarns, charcoal and a marled cream and grey. When put together with deep rose, mauve, white, light grey and black they became…

Mauvelous! lol.

None of these yarns had labels, but the mauve one comes with a story.

At a tag sale in October 2010 I saw the saleswoman pull knitting needles from a WIP and then disappear around the corner of her house. She came back and added only the needles to her sale table. I was so bold as to ask what she was going to do with the sweater. She’d thrown it away, but was more than willing to let me rescue it from the trash can, which, of course, I immediately did!

And that’s how I scored a free sweater’s worth of mauve yarn, some knitted and some still in balls.

As best as I could tell from a burn test, the yarn is predominately acrylic, so it became part of my charity stash. Should I be embarrassed that I’m still crocheting with it nearly two years later?! lol.

I modified the Rustic Ripple pattern by using only one strand of yarn and added one more stitch to each uphill or downhill run of double crochet stitches.

viewed 30 times
July 2012
July 2012
About this pattern
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  • Project created: July 30, 2012
  • Finished: July 30, 2012
  • Updated: October 19, 2013