Salvaged a Stained Blanket
November 2014
December 2014

Salvaged a Stained Blanket

Project info
charity - foster children
before - 52" x 84" / after - 52" x 63"
Hooks & yarn

Decmber 12, 2014 - Success!

I am pleased; my first attempt to rebuild the beginning chain end of a crochet ripple turned out well.

Yes, it was a finicky chore, but it definitely took less time than making a ripple from scratch would have. Doing the photographs and writing about the salvage process actually took more time than the crochet work. lol.

The remaining 52 x 63” ripple looks Great!

Nov. 26, 2014 - Salvage in Progress

Good riddance - I’ve cut out the blanket’s nasty stain.
My thanks to DH for tightly winding scrapballs of the yarn we salvaged from around it.

Next came the Fun part of figuring out how to “bind-off”, for lack of a more proper crochet term, the blanket’s new bottom edge. Following the convoluted route of the white yarn, I picked out the snipped bits as I went. I realized that I needed to work 2 loops – one yarnover and one regular – for each sc stitch across the blanket.

Clear a set of loops of the tiny white yarn bits, load them onto my hook and do a yarnover, then pull it through both loops on my hook.

Pick, pick, load, load, yarnover, pull through. Tedious, but not difficult.

Looking good so far!

Nov. 13, 2014 - Hoping to Salvage a Blanket

Bought a beautiful large (4 1/2 x 7 foot) sc ripple at Savers, a second-hand store. Noticed there was a stain, but it was near an end, so I figured that if it didn’t wash out I could easily unravel enough rows to remove it. A lovely 52” x 63” blanket for $5.99, still a good deal!

Only after the stain didn’t come out did I realize the stain was at the beginningend, not the finishing end of the blanket Argh.

But I can still get rid of the stain – just cut it away and refinish the blanket’s beginning edge. This can’t be that hard to do, right?

viewed 29 times
November 2014
December 2014
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: December 13, 2014
  • Updated: December 24, 2014