Pink Hopsalots!
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Pink Hopsalots!

Project info
hopsalots by tiny owl knits
Feet / LegsSlippers
Needles & yarn
John Q Creative DK
3 skeins = 330.0 yards (301.8 meters), 150 grams

26/3/12 Have made my swatch. It is correct horizontally but it’s too short vertically. Time to get some advice! Edit: I just added two more rows to get it to the specified measurement in the pattern :)

31/3/12 I uploaded a photo of each side of my body bit of knitting. As you can see the one on the right is nice V’s, and the one on the left is flabby U’s. lol! The one on the right is where I slip the knit stitches, and the one on the left is where I slip the purl stitches.

Just hoping someone can explain what I’m doing wrong.

Update: Apparently this is normal?
I found this: “knitting those loose stitches through the back loop (twisting them) will close them up a lot.” Well, I’ll have to give this a try sometime.

1/4/12 Came up with another question: It says to slip the first stitch of every row. At the point where you start decreasing the instruction for the row starts with SSK (slip slip knit), for the decrease.
So do I slip one first and then SSK? Or does the SSK count as the slipped stitch?

Answer: Found out you don’t slip the first stitch. You just start with SSK.

Unknown date: lol, finished! Had to work bloody hard to felt them down to be small enough! But I’m done, woohoo! I would perhaps make a size down next time.

See them on my blog here.

viewed 109 times
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About this pattern
1245 projects, in 1639 queues
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About this yarn
by John Q
100% Wool
110 yards / 50 grams

299 projects

stashed 113 times

pinkcatflower's star rating
  • Project created: March 24, 2012
  • Updated: June 19, 2012
  • Progress updates: 3 updates