Tangled Cuff Mittens
In progress
January 30, 2013
work in progress

Tangled Cuff Mittens

Project info
Tangled Yoke Cardigan by Eunny Jang
Needles & yarn
US 10 - 6.0 mm
Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Worsted
297 yards in stash
2.3 skeins = 253.0 yards (231.3 meters), 115 grams

Swatched at 4 sts, 5.25 rows per inch, felted in top load washer, hot water, for 25 minutes, blocked, then felted for another 3000 agitations by hand, reblocked to 5 sts, 8.25 rows per inch.

02-10-2013 - Knitting is finished. Now to find a time to felt them!

02-12-2013 - I divided a piece of yarn into four individual plies and used it to stitch a layer of plastic from a dismantled garbage bag into the middle of the mittens to keep them from felting into one big glob. 30 minutes in the washing machine with several lingerie bags to help with agitation, and they were just as predicted. I stretched hem out a bit so the cuff flares, and they’re currently drying. I may need to felt the thumb more (it didn’t felt as much as the body of the mitt, and is too long right now), but they look pretty good.

02-14-2013 - Aurora heather Stroll for the inner layer arrived today. Cast on using the Rolled-Edge Cast On, page 102 “Cast On, Bind Off: 211 Ways…” and I love this cast on. Easiest way ever to make a stretchy tubular cast on.

viewed 19 times
In progress
January 30, 2013
work in progress
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
110 yards / 50 grams

97981 projects

stashed 73760 times

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  • Project created: January 31, 2013
  • In progress: January 31, 2013
  • Updated: February 15, 2013