Sherry's Shrug Hug
no date set
May 2012

Sherry's Shrug Hug

Project info
Shrug Hug by Dora Ohrenstein
Shrug / Bolero
Hooks & yarn
3.25 mm (D)
Patons North America Grace
6 skeins = 816.0 yards (746.2 meters), 300 grams

Love this pattern, love the book, love the yarn! This little shrug drapes beautifully and I love wearing it. Very practical and sooooo cute!
Made using size small instructions, but I didn’t do decreases under arms (converted dc stitches to be ripple pattern). Instead, below bust, worked in 2 pattern decreases in ripple pattern over a number of rows. Used 10 buttons spaced 2” apart. Did not do button hole chain spaces as my buttons are small enough to slip through the holes in the regular stitches in the button band. Had trouble with the bottom band and sleeve bands being wavy - seemed to be too many stitches. Went up a hook size and skipped every other sc to get the bands to look right.

viewed 396 times | helped 2 people
no date set
May 2012
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Patons North America
100% Cotton
136 yards / 50 grams

14566 projects

stashed 13197 times

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  • Project created: May 28, 2012
  • Updated: May 29, 2012