Ultana in Gold
February 2012
March 2012

Ultana in Gold

Project info
Ultana by Caroline Murphy
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
Lara by Peria
450 yards in stash
6.5 skeins = 1170.0 yards (1069.8 meters), 325 grams
January 2012

Finished! Quick and easy project, well-written pattern. If I make it again, I would probably do a further decrease in sleeve to get a tighter cuff. Might add another row of sc and tighten up cuff. All in all, though, I love this cardigan!

Yarn has a metallic strand twisted in, so cardi has a shimmer which doesn’t show up in pic.

Yarn I’m using is a sport weight according to email from manufacturer. My gauge is a little wider than what pattern calls for, but that’s ok because it’s crocheted vertically and I want the cardi to be long. My row height gauge seems to be accurate. Used an H hook for the starting chain, then switched to G.

viewed 85 times | helped 1 person
February 2012
March 2012
About this pattern
7 projects, in 27 queues
sherryzzz's overall rating
sherryzzz's clarity rating
sherryzzz's difficulty rating
  • Project created: March 31, 2012
  • Updated: April 13, 2012
  • Progress updates: 2 updates