Vest is More
February 12, 2014
no date set

Vest is More

Project info
Less is More by Amy King
Needles & yarn

Planning to use the set of Zodiac batts with some natural american wool to supplement. So far, I’m thinking of splitting the 12 signs of the zodiac into 4 groups, then splitting the roving equally between those groups. On the fence as far as carding each blob into something heather-y, then spinning and navajo-plying, OR spinning for a 4-ply, and letting the colors play.

Definitely adding pockets. I’m envisioning this as a vest-y type thing more than a cardigan. I guess this means I’ll be adding a zipper, too. :-)

Jan 1, 2014 - Started the carding. Forgot that I’d grouped the individual signs into complementary trios (based on brief internet searches like “which sign gets along with which sign”). Carded all but the last 2 oz of the whole shebang. I might’ve finished the carding entirely, but instead took time to diz the first batt, the result of which is in the picture with the scale. What a treat! I plan to diz all the batts (DIZ ALL THE BATTS!!!). Each of the 4 Zodiac groupings (3 signs per group) was carded with the natural sliver into 4 batts. I’ll hold the 4 diz’ed bits together when spinning each Zodiac grouping. This should maximize the heatherness.

Jan 12, 2014 - Finished the second Zodiac set, now just need to ply. Part of the second half of this set, I found myself defaulting to an inch-worm worsted style. I was really tired, and should’ve been in bed, but was determined to finish the singles on this! I’m looking forward to plying tonight, and hopefully registering similar yardage as the first hank.

Jan 21, 2014 - plied the 3rd group. Snow day tomorrow should mean I might finish the 4th group!!!

Feb - Mar, 2014 - Cast on while staying at home with a post-surgery mom. Apparently watching others convalesce is not a bad time to knit a whole heck of a lot. Then, I went to Maine by way of Peabody, MA, and while I took the sweater with me, I ended up casting on for something else… And that something else kinda took up all of my crafty attention. Oops. Picked this back up on the 18th, and was pleased to realize I’m maybe only 2-3 inches from being done with the body. Hooray!

1st hank - Fire signs - Aries/Leo/Sagittarius - 3.56oz, 252 yards (1132 ypp)
2nd hank - Water signs - Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces - 3.84oz, 288 yards (1200 ypp)
3rd hank - Earth signs - Capricorn/Taurus/Virgo - 4.8 oz, 326 yards (1087 ypp)
4th hank - Air signs - Aquarius/Gemini/Libra - -.--oz, --- yards (----ypp)

viewed 120 times
February 12, 2014
no date set
About this pattern
210 projects, in 747 queues
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  • Project created: December 24, 2013
  • Updated: September 12, 2014
  • Progress updates: 2 updates