Frozen Socks
November 5, 2014
December 22, 2014

Frozen Socks

Project info
Snow Dancer Socks by Wendy Gaal
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Narrow width
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Another Crafty Girl Twinkle Sock
193 yards in stash
0.56 skeins = 245.3 yards (224.3 meters), 56 grams
Another Crafty Girl
September 5, 2014

Overall Notes (see below for full log)

How could I possibly NOT use a sparkly colorway called “Frozen” to make snowflake-themed socks for a second-grader?

Pattern is a little crowded with all the width options, particularly in the toe sections. I understand why and am not sure how to have done it better, though. Snowflakes are trickier than they look to get right but practice makes perfect.

Using clear 6/0 Czech glass beads for the top 3 snowflakes of each sock.

Full Log

05 November 2014: Cast on before Daughter’s basketball game, got within the last row or two of the toe by the end of the game. Measured her foot length: 7.5”. So knit foot to 4.75” before beginning heel. I am prone to confusion with multiple sets of directions, so altered my copy of the pattern (for personal use only) to only include narrow width; also charted TOF toe using this chart generator, because at some point I mysteriously started reading charts better than written instructions. Yarn is PERFECT and as gorgeous as I’d hoped. Between this and the Sunshine Shawl, I’m definitely an Another Crafty Girl convert.

07 November 2014: First repeat done on the main part of the foot. Snowflake is trickier than it looks; I need practice. Beads arrived today and will look great, I think.

10 November 2014: Second snowflake done. Looks terrible (my problem, not the pattern’s). Considering coming back and over-stitching the snowflakes when the sock is complete. The next one will be better, right? ~1 more repeat before gusset increases.

13 November 2014: Third snowflake looks SO MUCH better. End of third repeat is exactly right for beginning gusset.

21 November 2014: Gusset complete, beginning heel turn. Gusset takes a snowflake and a half. Will finish this snowflake plain, probably start beads with the next one. I’ve gotta pick up the pace if I’m going to have these done by Christmas.

24 November 2014: Heel turned. I seem to have miscounted sole/gusset stitches somewhere, somehow. Realized it in time to make it an easy fix, though. (Just decrease less in those final couple of rounds!) Excited to get to the beading part.

04 December 2014: First beads put on. Finally.

06 December 2014: After second beaded snowflake, decided three would be enough. This is going faster than I thought it would.

07 December 2014: Left sock bound off. Yay! Beaded snowflakes don’t look as well as I wish they did, but they’ll do.

08 December 2014: Right toe done.

11 December 2014: First snowflake done, looks better than ever. At 2 days/snowflake, 7 more snowflakes, that’ll be 2 more weeks plus cuff… AAACK THAT’S CHRISTMAS DAY CRAP I HAVE TO SPEED IT UP.

15 December 2014: Gusset is done, ready to do heel turn.

22 December 2014: Finished with three days to spare. Yee haw! The beaded snowflakes are a little iffy in places, but I think Daughter will like the socks anyway.

viewed 46 times
November 5, 2014
December 22, 2014
About this pattern
98 projects, in 147 queues
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About this yarn
by Another Crafty Girl
75% Merino, 20% Nylon, 5% Metallic
438 yards / 100 grams

324 projects

stashed 460 times

starcr's star rating
  • Originally queued: November 4, 2014
  • Project created: November 5, 2014
  • Finished: December 23, 2014
  • Updated: December 25, 2014
  • Progress updates: 5 updates