lavender advent scarf 2010
In progress
February 28, 2012
work in progress

lavender advent scarf 2010

Project info
Advent Calendar Scarf 2010 by Kristin Benecken
Neck / TorsoScarf
? decided when it is completed
Needles & yarn
mystery thread found thrift shoping held double 100% cotton
lavendar with hints of blue hard to see in photos

Every time I use this thread it never photographs well it is a light lavender with hints here and there of bright blue but the blue never shows up in photos thus the blue beads don’t ask me why they show up and not the blue in the thread

photos from the bottom up day one at the bottom working the way up to finished

day 11

while doing day eleven I realized I did part of day 7 wrong that is why those two patterns where so close together pay attention to how to do the back side on day 7 and eleven

day 10
2 photos
did not frog any didn’t need stitch markers very easy pattern

day 9
2 photos
very similar to day 7 rather boring to do two that similar this close together in the scarf but that is how it is. The detail of this one you can sort of see the hints of blue in the thread at last a picture that sort of shows the blue for the reason of the beads.

day 8
2 photos
fast and simple too

day 7
2 photos
real fast and easy

decided to day that I think the rest of the nupps in the patterns are going to be beads. It isn’t that I don’t like nupps I do like them it is just I like beads more and have just one area with beads is weird but having just one area with nupps looks ok to me

day 6
2 photos
six stitch repeat pretty simple

day 5
2 photos 1 bad photo and one good one with beads in reverse order
ok So i feel like I am doing this blind as I do not know what any of these stitch patterns look like finished so I have to sort of guess what each is supposed to look like. On this one I like I made a large mistake on the third to last row but can’t honestly tell. going to frog and redue :0(

redid it but i did not like the nupps they did not stand out enough for me so I did beads instead plus the mistakes I fixed I like how it looks much better now.:0)

day 4
2 photos
pretty much a no brainer pretty simple didn’t even frogged once. as far as I can tell I have no mistakes in this area unless I missed it :0)

Day 3
2 photos
2 repeats frogged twice so far I keep getting off on row 7 and 1 for some reason :0(
figured it out because the yo are next to my stitch markers sometimes they shift possitions also on line 7 the stitch markers purposly move 1 stitch to the right becasue of the( sl1 k2tog psso and the yo before it):0)

day 2
3 photo (1 bad and 2 correct)
beads are easy nupps are somewhat easy but what was hard for me was keeping the stitch count correct put stitch markers in after every repeat and the problem went away Frogged this section around 6 times total :0(
put stitch marker in after the 5th try should have done that first I knew better with that many stitches.:0)

Day 1
bottom two pictures
thread ball and 1st day
easy part :0)

viewed 50 times
In progress
February 28, 2012
work in progress
About this pattern
901 projects, in 789 queues
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  • Project created: February 28, 2012
  • In progress: February 28, 2012
  • Updated: March 14, 2012
  • Progress updates: 10 updates