My Color Journey: Colorwork sweater for Lexie
In progress
September 1, 2013
work in progress

My Color Journey: Colorwork sweater for Lexie

Project info
Needles & yarn

9/2/13 - Starting my Color Journey with Katie of Yarn Love - I’m using the free color class she’s offering on her blog to put together the perfect colors for a long-desired colorwork design.

My goal: pick out the perfect colors to design a stranded colorwork sweater, using modern and feminine colors to perfectly fit Lexie.

I started by searching for various colors using Google images, and pulled out the ones that really inspired me. Then I grouped those items together and using, pulled out the colors that were speaking to me. I combined together my first color choices for step one, and I’m looking forward to where we go from here!

9/8/13 - Lesson 2 of our Color Journey has been released…and I was a little ahead of myself! I got a bit too excited about the idea of picking out colors, and I was narrowing down to specific shades right off the bat. Well, lesson 2 was to start picking out colors without editing.


Alrighty then. I quickly decided that my first attempt wasn’t wasted - those colors might not be what I go with, and I might not ever use them (or not all of them), but I know that I like them, and I have them saved somewhere. In the meantime, I created a new Pinterest board. There are 5 colors that came to mind for this design: yellow, pink, purple, green and blue, and pinned various shades of each that spoke to me. I’m looking forward to seeing what we do with them!

viewed 6 times
In progress
September 1, 2013
work in progress
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: September 2, 2013
  • In progress: September 3, 2013
  • Updated: September 9, 2013