summer cardi
May 1, 2016
June 4, 2016

summer cardi

Project info
Mariken by Regina Moessmer
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Blacker Yarns Lyonesse DK
9.62 skeins = 1144.6 yards (1046.7 meters), 481 grams
Blacker Yarns

yarn is very smooth, it is a linen yarn which get both linen and wool’s advantages. soft and smooth to knit as wool with strength of linen. a bit heavier than wool yarn, also rather worsted side than DK.

as far as I love this yarn, had some concerns about the length of a ball. The pattern for S size calls only 750m so I bought 7 balls first, which is estimated 770m. but it was not enough, not only a bit of lack but 2 balls and more than half lacked to complete the garment. It means around 300m difference and it is huge. as of May 2016 there is not much garment finished in this size, so I cannot compare.

One of reason why it happened could depend on the stitch pattern used for the garment. it has 6-row pattern which contains one row which double the whole stitch number and get back to original number in the next row. this takes much yarn. but if it is only because of that, other knitter’s FOs should have same issue. But it doesn’t look like.

also my gauge matched(with needle up) and garment came out with perfect size. So I don’t really understand how this magic happened…

I like quite much the FO, even if it took more yarns and got heavier(almost half a kilo of summer cardi). It will serve a lot this coming summer for me. FO photo to come after blocking.


blocked and put the buttons. after blocking, it grown approx. one size(yup I didn’t wash the swatch) so I can say part of the yarn issue was because of that. now it has more ease than expected. but after all I wanted a cuddly relaxed cardi for home, so no problem, I will love a lot.

viewed 888 times | helped 4 people
May 1, 2016
June 4, 2016
About this pattern
43 projects, in 200 queues
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About this yarn
by Blacker Yarns
50% Corriedale, 50% Linen / Flax
119 yards / 50 grams

294 projects

stashed 301 times

tricoquelicot's star rating
  • Project created: May 4, 2016
  • Finished: June 4, 2016
  • Updated: June 6, 2016
  • Progress updates: 3 updates