Gingko Pines
January 2, 2011
January 10, 2011

Gingko Pines

Project info
Shetland Triangle Lace Shawl by Evelyn A. Clark
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Skein Yarn Silk/Cashmere Lace
1.7 skeins = 680.0 yards (621.8 meters), 93 grams

I think this is the most satisfying thing I have ever made. It’s so soft and delicate and looks exquisite.

17/1/11: Finished it on the 10th, but it took me this long to block and photograph. 16 repeats altogether, with some yarn left over to make a cowl.

4/1/11: 10 pattern repeats so far! Go me!

The yarn is the softest thing I have ever touched, and absolutely gorgeous - like a deep pine forest with dapples of sunlight. I thought it would go well with the Pine Cone pattern in the Shetland Triangle. Also, I’ve had problems with the Shetland Triangle when I’ve tried in the past - I never get past the first pattern repeat because it doesn’t look all that great to me. This time I just kept going, and wow, does it ever look beautiful when you get a few repeats under your belt!

viewed 181 times
January 2, 2011
January 10, 2011
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Skein Yarn
55% Silk, 45% Cashmere goat
405 yards / 55 grams

170 projects

stashed 394 times

vanessarama's star rating
  • Project created: January 4, 2011
  • Updated: January 17, 2011
  • Progress updates: 2 updates