belfast blue
April 22, 2018
July 29, 2018

belfast blue

Project info
Belfast by Veronik Avery
Coat / Jacket
me me me
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Liberton Corriedale
104 yards in stash
April 1, 2018
  • knit body in five pieces and seam
  • work M1 at armhole edge in pattern
  • work increases in cable front as M1P
  • start front cable panels on row 19
  • divide side for armhole after 20 full waffle rpts.
  • side at back is 54 waffle rpts, at front is 42 waffle rpts (note: dip in back accountsfor nine of these repeats).
  • happy mistake on side front cast off, cast off 7 sts 3 times instead of 3x7
  • work 8 rows ribbing after tubular cast-on for sleeve
  • work 23 rows ribbing after tubular cast on for hem bc row 1 of cable charts is on WS
  • work 8 garter ridges after last sleeve incr, then start sleeve cap shaping


29 jul - grafted left front edging. Wove in all ends. Set in both sleeves.
28 jul - right front edging done done done. I FINISHED KNITTING IT!! Ok, so grafting and ends and setting in the sleeves to go. But the knitting? ALL DONE.
27 jul - collar cast off. right edging pick up 172sts (three sts every 4 rows). Have knit 2 rows of rib. I think 8 should do it for the 1 1/4”, then the cast off.
24 jul - finished knitting collar. Just need to cast off. Will use tubular bind off.
23 jul - knit a further 1 1/2”. so, 2 1/2” to go?
22 jul - finished decreases for collar. That’s just more than 4” so need to work about the same again.
13 jul - sleeve finished. Picked up sts for neckline. got 169 instead of 204 but I think that’s ok given that I made some decreases when casting off the back cable panel and I worked barely any height after finishing the neckline decreases. Will do a decrease at each shoulder seam and proceed as per pattern.
9 jul - sleeve incrs done
7 jul - left front cable section complete. Cast on for sleeve, two incr rows worked.
6 jul - row 164 done. cast off for neckline
4 jul - row 100 complete
3 jul - row 82 of left front chart complete which made me so happy until I realised I had to get to row 165. And I started on row 19 so haven’t even worked to halfway really … still excited.
30 jun - ribbing completed, started chart. Up to row 3!
29 jun - got the left front cast on. Tubular cast on can be a bit of an obstacle sometimes. As can ribbing. But I’m onto it!
26 jun - left side back and back panel seam done. Left shoulder seam mostly done too (need to do front panel before finishing that seam)
25 jun - and cast off the left side front. Haven’t done any counting/checking yet, too tired but fingers crossed! What to knit next? Front cable panel? Then I could get on w the collar. Or just a quick sleeve. Aaaargh! (Ok, I counted, it’s good).
24 jun - finished left side back. Incrs done for left side front.
20 jun - divided left side for front and back.
18 jun - 10 rpts of the left side done.
10 jun - short rows on left side complete (and on the correct pattern row to boot - hooray).
6 jun - ribbing for left side and three short rows completed.
5 jun - yay, bit the bullet and cast on for left side.
4 jun - second sleeve done which is really going to need to be the first sleeve now bc i did the ribbing/selvedge wrong on the first one. will frog and reknit.
3 jun - incrs finished on sleeve.
2 jun - finished sixth incr row. 2 to go1 then 10 rows even
30 may - sigh. i really hate that when you have knit a good chunk of something, almost the entire sleeve in this case, and then realise that you’re still on the needle size for the ribbing :( started again on main sleeve, up to 3rd incr.
27 May - cast on for second sleeve.
25 May - finished casting off right front cable panel and then had horrendous vomiting from something we ate at dinner. Ugh. Didn’t weigh it yet and it’s in the wash now but still 100gm left in that ball so easily enough for second sleeve.
23 May - ok, completed fourth rpt (that is midway through chart 5) and worked two cast off rows for the neckline. Only cast off 34 on the first cast off row bc I had left out the selvedge st. Cast off quite tightly bc it’s in cable pattern and didn’t work any decreases.
22 May - completed fourth rpt for front cable section (row 144). And I cast off for the neckline but just realised that’s a mistake bc I need to work 4 full rpts and since I started halfway through the first chart, actually need to knit all the way to row 162 before I start to cast off for neckline.
21 May - oh dear, record keeping seems to have dropped off a bit. Am working on right front cable section, am halfway through fourth rpt. Just finish this rpt and then work only 2/3 of fifth rpt which is basically just the neck cast off.
13 May - finally worked out the blasted numbers. Turns out, I cast off 7 sts three times on the front, instead of 3 sts 7 times. Same st count, different row count. Thing is, I quite like it and would be happy to repeat it on the other side. (I did, however, need to unseam the shoulder to work that out!)
12 May - finished sixth rpt of back panel. On row 36 (RS) worked decreases then cast off in pattern (WS).
Cast on for right front cable section, ribbing and rows 19-108 complete.

Still confused by the numbers - how come the side back length is 54, which is 6 full rpts, and the front is only 42, which is not 5 full rpts. I’m sure that I worked the short rows correctly over 36 rows to dip the back.

11 May - finished row 28 of sixth rpt on back panel.
10 May - sleeve 1 seamed. Right shoulder seamed. But oh how disappointing, I miscalculated. I haven’t finished the back panel at all, it needs another half rpt :( . Have seamed what I’ve got so far.
9 May - sleeve 1 finished. 10 rows even after incrs.
8 May - so, I spent a loooong time last night getting very confused about st counts. Suffice to say, side back and side front do have the same number of sts. St count at widest point is 57sts, cast off is for 58 sts. This means that, actually, a single st at either side of back cable panel should be cast off, likewise from straight side of front cable panels. I didn’t do this on the back and will just leave it but will seam an extra st in along the line of the shoulder seam. right side done and in the wash now. Hooray! 70gm left. cast on for sleeve, 8 rows ribbing after tubular cast on. May have done it mostly on 3.75mm. Oops. Last 2 rows definitely on 4mm. Incredible complete, measures 8”. Too tired to continue now but I’d say 10 rows even, then cast off.
6 May - right side front complete. four incrs to go on the right side back. yay!! when i finish this side, will weigh and if there’s enough yarn left, will knit other side. otherwise might go for sleeves. and wash it, and seam it to the back, and at the shoulder. eeek!
5 May - 20 rpts of waffle st done on right side, divided for sleeves. Finished increases for right side front. Started decrs, 40 sts to go.
4 may - 18 rpts of waffle st done. exciting - maybe just two more until dividing for sleeves?
2 may - 12 rpts of waffle st done.
1 May - ribbing and short rows for right side complete. After all short rows done, not including last wrapped st, incl selvedge st, 10 unworked sts. First row at right edge is row 3 of chart. Actually, done twice bc I mucked up somewhere. The first row at far right should be row 1. And it is. On mine. Now. Knit a further 20 rows or so.
30 apr - rpt 5 complete. Worked another half a rpt plus three rows. Cast off on right side quite loosely but reduced each 3st cable to 2stsw a k2tog or ssk. For right side, cast on 52 sts (started w 27 for tubular cast on) - 50 pattern sts and two selvedge. Completed ribbing but somehow ended up on the wrong side of the work so actually broke the yarn after the 23rd row of ribbing to knit another right side row, the increase row. 73 sts (71 of pattern and 2 selvedge). First short row done and time for bed.
29 apr - rpt 5 row 29 done. am worried about length though.
28 apr - back panel chart rpts 2, 3 and 4 done! that’s two-and-a-half full charts today; two-thirds of the back. Have steam blocked and one chart is approx 6” deep.
25 apr - back rpt 2 row 17 done
23 apr - finished half a rpt.
22 apr 2018 - tubular cast on for back cable panel. 23 rows after tubular cast on

viewed 420 times
April 22, 2018
July 29, 2018
About this pattern
64 projects, in 256 queues
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  • Originally queued: April 1, 2018
  • Project created: April 23, 2018
  • Finished: July 28, 2018
  • Updated: October 23, 2020
  • Progress updates: 9 updates