Ana Ana

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This pattern features a timeless 2x2 ribbed hat, suitable for both men and women. What sets it apart is the top-down construction, allowing you to maximize a full 100g skein. You have the flexibility to knit it with or without a folded brim for a versatile finish.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
These cuff-down socks showcase an elegant floral lace pattern adorning the front section. Furthermore, they integrate a rounded heel for enhanced comfort and embrace a classic toe design that exudes timeless charm.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This fixed turn up hat combines simpleness of stockinette stich with beautiful cables. The hat is worked in rounds bottom up on circular needles starting with the 1x1 rib, followed by cable pattern then the crown decrease is worked.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
These socks are basic and beginner friendly. They worked cuff-down, with a heel flap and gusset construction.
Knitting: Scarf
This compact scarf is thoughtfully designed to provide both warmth and an elegant, understated style.