Andrea Sanford

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Mittens
This pattern is for a cute pair of mittens featuring snowflakes on the back and snowballs on the palms, without thumbs for little hands. There is one size included in the pattern: 0-6 months baby. The pattern includes one color chart. There are instructions on knitting a detachable I-cord for each pair of the mittens, if desired. I created this...
Knitting: Mittens
This pattern is for a cute pair of mittens featuring husky dogs facing each other on the back and a paw print on the palms. There are 3 sizes included in the pattern: 0-6 months baby, 0-2 years toddler, and 3-4 years preschooler. The baby size is a shorter version without thumbs. The children’s sizes feature a longer version with thumbs. It inc...
Knitting: Mittens
This is my first mitten design to match the Blooming Grace Hat I released in March 2021. The hat was inspired by springtime when everything is beginning to bloom and buds are on the trees. It also makes me think of Jesus, the Rose that bloomed in Bethlehem, and His gift of grace. How appropriate to release the mitten design and pattern around C...
Knitting: Cowl
I have turned my Wallflowers Hat design into a lovely cowl!
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This slouchy hat design is knit in the super soft Knit Picks Shine Sport yarn. The design was inspired by the vibrant, lovely, and overflowing joy of my friend Jeanette. She loves the outdoors that the Lord God made including flowers and birds, and the color orange.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This fair isle hat pattern is the result of a collaboration between me and my son, Bailey, who is talented with pixel art and an accomplished artist. We were inspired by the crocus flower and antique wallpaper which resulted in creating a hexagonal textured pattern with purl stitches around each flower. The vertical lines are hidden as you knit...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
I designed this hat in the same yarn and slouchy style as a favorite hat that I wear all the time. I love floral patterns and enjoy the beauty that God has made all around me in nature, so I want to bring that into my knitting designs. This is such a soft hat when knit in the suggested Shine Sport yarn, that it would be a great one for chemo pa...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This is my first hat design and was inspired by springtime when everything is beginning to bloom and buds are on the trees. It also makes me think of Jesus, the Rose that bloomed in Bethlehem, and His gift of grace, which is very appropriate for a pattern release right before Easter.