Annmarie Aquino

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Helsinki in April began when I was planning a trip to Finland and needed a knitting project that was easily worked on while traveling around the city and beyond, without having to refer to charts or lots of written instructions.
Knitting: Mittens
Please note that, effective June 25, 2019, this pattern is now free. I have made this change because I will no longer be able to provide pattern support. No refunds for previous purchases will be made. Thank you.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This is a simple, triangular shawl knit in garter stitch with increases worked on the right side rows at the edges and on either side of the center stitch.
Knitting: Coaster
Please note that there’s a small error in the written instructions for the cast on numbers. The gauge amounts for the pattern refer to 40 stitches and 36 stitches, however the numbers given to cast on are 40 or 32. Later, the written instructions refer to 40 and 36.