at-random designs

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Scarf, Shawl / Wrap, Throw
Inspired by the angular, feathery fronds and flowers of the Tamarisk tree…a light, airy wrap or a billowy throw perfect for a summer afternoon in the park - cool and exquisitely soft even on the hottest of days.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
A modern take on the red toques of the French Canadian colonial era fur traders, Les Voyageurs - The Travellers…and of course for classic film buffs, a pun on the old Bette Davis flick, Now, Voyager!
Knitting: Cowl
Two versions of an elegant reversible long cowl which was inspired by many, many trips to Canada’s iconic hardware, automotive, and housewares store Canadian Tire on Saturday afternoons looking for anything from plumbing parts and paint to canning jars…