Beth Wyatt

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Feet / Legs - Other, Boot Cuffs / Toppers
A pretty one-skein project to add a touch of warmth and fashion to your favorite boots.
Crochet: Beanie, Toque
This is a simple unisex hat pattern that can be adjusted for any sized head to create a beanie or slouchy hat. The foundation chain decides the height of the hat, and the rest is worked flat and attached at the end, once the width fits the head. Add a few rows of single crochet to the bottom if you want it longer or tighter, and add a button if...
Crochet: Jewelry - Other
Learn to crochet roses using stitches you already know, and use them as decor, jewelry, or pins for sweaters and coats!
Crochet: Washcloth / Dishcloth
Choose a cotton yarn with the specified gauge, and a crochet hook one full size smaller than suggested on yarn band to create a tight durable stitch. This pattern creates a washcloth or dishcloth that is machine washable, reusable, and earth-friendly.
Crochet: Cowl
I created this pattern when I started crocheting, and I’ve been getting compliments on it ever since. The ribbing works up quickly and easily, but looks more advanced once complete.