Roxanna Trejo

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Doll
This is just a guide for make this amigurumi, isn´t the finished doll.
Crochet: Doll
Este es el patrón o una guía, no el muñeco terminado.
Crochet: Animal Toy
This is not the finished doll, just the pattern for you to do, you can do it having an intermediate level, the total size will vary depending on the thickness of the thread.
Crochet: Animal Toy
Eng: This pattern can be done even with a basic level in crochet, you can use the thread of your prefence, the size will vary depending on the thickness of the thread you use, this is not the finished amigurumi, it is just a guide to do it.
Crochet: Toys and Hobbies - Other
Para hacer este proyecto necesitas saber lo básico de amigurumis: Aro mágico, punto bajo, aumento y disminución.