Christine Gallant

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Earwarmers
This ear warmer is double think, making it ideal for cold winters. The braid adds an interesting focal point to this otherwise simple piece.
Crochet: Baby Blanket
This blanket is much larger than the average baby blanket.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This hat was designed to go with the ‘Mummy’s Little Dalek Jumper (Doctor Who)’ designed by ABitterKnitter.
Crochet: Scarf
This is a very simple pattern that is very easy to modify.
Knitting: Throw
This pattern can easily be increased or decreased in size by adding or removing stitches and rows, or by changing the size of the needles.
Crochet: Throw
A very easy pattern to learn, and easily adjustable for size and number of colours desired.