Dormouse Handknits

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Food Cozy
Children will love this knitted Minion, even more so when they realise he is hiding a creme egg or similar inside! Once the egg is eaten he becomes a cute finger puppet. Requiring tiny oddments of yarn and no stuffing, he is super quick and easy to knit.
Knitting: Animal Toy
Cute, cuddly, quick and easy to knit, Dudley the Dormouse is my own design and mascot for my company Dormouse Handknits. You only need oddments of yarn in whichever mousy colour you choose! I used 3mm needles to give a pocket-sized Dudley. Making-up instructions are included. If Dudley is to be given to a child, omit the whiskers as these are n...