CraftyDuddles Designs

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Softies - Other
This is a written pattern with only few pictures. The pattern is for any yarn you want to use, so you can make a large Galena or a small one, it just depends on your mood and preference, just don’t forget to use a hook, that works well with your yarn weight.
Crochet: Softies - Other
This pattern is available as PDF.
Crochet: Animal Toy
This pattern is a tribute to Queenie, who crossed the rainbow bridge. If you make a Qatze, please post a picture using the following hashtag: #GNUQueenie
Crochet: Softies - Other
The pattern creates a 3-legged monster, that can be made with 1 - 30 colours, all to your liking.