Dumpling Designs

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The pattern name Weft refers to the unique colour work technique where the CC is woven between knit and purl stitches. My pattern includes a link to a Youtube tutorial I uploaded demonstrating how to knit the stitches.
Knitting: Scarf
A beautifully textured scarf pattern using only knits and purls. Supine is completely reversible and lays beautifully flat thanks to an i-cord selvedge.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This lace overlay hat means it’s extra warm with an added punch of pizzazz with the contrast colour peeking out through extra large open work stitches. Have fun selecting different combinations of main and contrast colours. Perfect for those brightly coloured or variegated skeins you are not sure what to do with.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Inspired by Game of Thrones, the amber yarn I used alongside the flowing slipped stitches reminded me of House Tully of Riverrun.
Knitting: Decorative - Other
These delightful and whimsical minis can be used and re-used for a variety of purposes. Use them to gift small items such as tea sachets, gift cards or other trinkets and the receiver can re-use them as hanging ornaments.