Ellen B. Wright

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Christmas Stocking
’Appy Christmas, ‘Arry! This Harry Potter-inspired Christmas stocking will add a little Hogwarts to your holiday.
Knitting: Christmas Stocking
Geekify your Christmas with this stocking inspired by The X-Files!
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
I made a friend notanicedragon’s Star Wars Double Knit Scarf as a gift last year. She requested wrist warmers for an over-air-conditioned office, and I had to make them match, so I whipped up this quick pattern. The Alliance Starbird chart is adapted from the Star Wars Double Knit Scarf pattern.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Irregular double knitting (also known as non-mirrored double knitting, or NMDK) is magical.
Knitting: Hanging Ornament
This pattern is based on Shelley Winiger’s OH HO, but made fully reversible through the magic of irregular double knitting.
Knitting: Hanging Ornament
The solution to garter stitch and seamed tree ornaments! This little tree is knitted in one piece using the double knit technique, using two skeins of the same color. The resulting trees are completely reversible in stockinette.