Dawn Craig

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This simple shawl uses the pi shawl idea but in half. I wanted a shawl that I didn’t have to think about to make so I randomly chose what to do each row.
Knitting: Afghan block
I love the little blips of color that I got with the Meteor Shower block and I wanted a similar look. I came up with this. I named it Poppettes for the little pops of color that the passed stitches create.
Knitting: Afghan block
I unvinted this stitch pattern for a pair of fingerless mitts I made and I wanted to break up the colors of the hand dyed yarn I was using. I also wanted something a little more interesting to work on. I liked it so much I decided to use it for my first block of the month.