Hand Knit Zen

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Cowl
Soft lace cowl features a leaf motif and an ornamental crochet hem.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This is a unique U-shaped wrap designed to stay put on your shoulders while you’re active at work or at home. The style features a net-like mesh between bands with a diamond motif. The ends of the wrap have a wrapped selvage that provides a strong, clean edge.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This is a fairly simple pattern suitable for beginners with some experience. The ribbing allows it to fit most child & adult sizes.
Knitting: Shrug / Bolero
This delicate shrug is knit in the round first, from cuff to cuff, and then after picking up stitches along an opening (left between the sleeves) the body is knit in a second lace stitch down to the hem. The collar drapes in a soft ruffle around your neck.